His Highness the TibetanMonkey, the Beach Cruiser Philosopher
2011-04-22 13:30:10 UTC
Supposedly the US isn t exactly oil or natural gas depleted, so what
the hell gives with that.
It's the 'let's use theirs and keep ours' philosophy.the hell gives with that.
Why don t we have the most solar and wind derived energy to draw upon?
Until we utilize the highway median strips, these willremain as a novelty.
Why not dam up our Grand Canyon in a couple of locations? (it would
even look better and function a whole lot better than it does now)
First you'd need to change the law regarding national parks.even look better and function a whole lot better than it does now)
In my part of the world, they are busy REMOVING dams, not
building them.
The solution is nuclear, but I'm afraid that ship has
sailed due to a few dead japs.
No dead Japs yet... They died of the Tsunami, not the nuclearsailed due to a few dead japs.
And whatever happened to good old fashioned PREVENTION, something as
simple as riding a bike? Is something or someone keeping us dumb and
wasteful? I'll think about it while I ride my legendary Beach Cruiser.