His Highness the TibetanMonkey, the Beach Cruiser Philosopher
2012-02-25 14:58:39 UTC
"The Right to bear Arms" is enshrined in the Constitution --or so they
say-- and one has to wonder how it can benefit cyclists. We are often
on the receiving end of attacks and one must be ready to fight for
A gun is not much of help and it can get you many years behind bars.
At close quarters it may not be the best choice. I say a baseball bat
is one good choice, though you must accommodate that in your bicycle,
perhaps strapped to the frame. A mace/stun-gun sounds like an even
better choice. You'll be ready for people and dogs alike. A whip is
something they wouldn't expect, but you must be very good at it. Say
"jump" and crack the whip. The sticks with the chain they use in
martial arts seem very appropriate. I propose that we use a water-gun
to keep the animal instincts from boiling over.
But the best strategy is perhaps to avoid conflict with drivers who
are already under the stresses of the rat race. Just make sure they
understand that you are a "peaceful warrior," whatever that means.
Tell you what, give them a banana.
say-- and one has to wonder how it can benefit cyclists. We are often
on the receiving end of attacks and one must be ready to fight for
A gun is not much of help and it can get you many years behind bars.
At close quarters it may not be the best choice. I say a baseball bat
is one good choice, though you must accommodate that in your bicycle,
perhaps strapped to the frame. A mace/stun-gun sounds like an even
better choice. You'll be ready for people and dogs alike. A whip is
something they wouldn't expect, but you must be very good at it. Say
"jump" and crack the whip. The sticks with the chain they use in
martial arts seem very appropriate. I propose that we use a water-gun
to keep the animal instincts from boiling over.
But the best strategy is perhaps to avoid conflict with drivers who
are already under the stresses of the rat race. Just make sure they
understand that you are a "peaceful warrior," whatever that means.
Tell you what, give them a banana.