2012-05-02 16:39:07 UTC
Cambridge Parkway, the narrow road along the river between the
Longfellow and Museum of Science bridges, used to be one way
eastbound, and have unrestricted parking except 7-10 AM weekdays.
Google Maps now shows it flowing one way west, but the aerial and
street view photos show the old configuration. This ambiguous press
release implies they permanently changed it to one way westbound in
2011, in an effort to make the Kendall Square traffic pattern even
less intuitive and convenient: http://www.mass.gov/dcr/news/2011/ta11-10-7.pdf
Does the unrestricted parking remain?
Longfellow and Museum of Science bridges, used to be one way
eastbound, and have unrestricted parking except 7-10 AM weekdays.
Google Maps now shows it flowing one way west, but the aerial and
street view photos show the old configuration. This ambiguous press
release implies they permanently changed it to one way westbound in
2011, in an effort to make the Kendall Square traffic pattern even
less intuitive and convenient: http://www.mass.gov/dcr/news/2011/ta11-10-7.pdf
Does the unrestricted parking remain?