Video of New Hampshire State Route 3A
(too old to reply)
Carl Rogers
2011-10-08 19:50:51 UTC
Hi Viatologists,

The Worldwide Transportation Library (WWTL) now crosses into New
Hampshire to offer you a glimpse of State Route 3A:


Join us on northbound approach to New Hampshire's state capital! Also
discussed is why this route is a popular alternative to nearby
Interstate 93, a freeway that isn't exactly what the term implies.

Enjoy! The WWTL is your most complete resource of USA State Route and
Interstate videos on the Internet. Continue your viatological studies
by checking out our archives of traffic movement, surrounding scenery
and factual dialog about your favourite roads.


Carl Rogers
"Environment first, transportology second"
Worldwide Transportation Library (WWTL):
http://m.wwtl.info [Mobile]
+1 201.676.0185 [Press]
Complete coverage of international roads and railways.
Since 2000, we have offered several photographs, videos and
Virtual 360 captures -- to each viatologist & transportologist.
2011-10-08 21:57:42 UTC
Post by Carl Rogers
Hi Viatologists,
Fuck off.
Post by Carl Rogers
The Worldwide Transportation Library (WWTL) now crosses into
surrealism, as one loony bangs on about his webshite that no one, not
even he, takes seriously.
Mark Goodge
2011-10-09 14:32:17 UTC
On Sat, 8 Oct 2011 22:57:42 +0100, Steve Firth put finger to keyboard and
Post by unknown
Post by Carl Rogers
Hi Viatologists,
Fuck off.
Post by Carl Rogers
The Worldwide Transportation Library (WWTL) now crosses into
surrealism, as one loony bangs on about his webshite that no one, not
even he, takes seriously.
In an idle fit of boredom the other day, I had another look at his LinkedIn
profile to see if it's just as hilarious as it was the last time it was
mentioned here. And, of course, it is. If anything, it's even funnier. He
still can't hold a job down for more than 18 months, and he's still working
as a first line tech support guy. His description of the stuff he does on
the WWTL site includes these gems:

Responsible for the editing photographs from a group of world-traveling
volunteers. Each photograph is studied by me to determine the location of
the transportation medium, the relative geo-position of the photograph,
and the general purpose of each road/railroad in economic and
culture-based contexts.

Or, in other words, "Look at photos and classify them".

The website's design involves heavy use of CSS, JavaScript, and XML. Also
leveraged is a partnership w/ Google that integrates advertisement
banners and GPS placemarking.

Or, in other words, "Uses Adsense and Google Maps". And, apart from
demonstrating his wierd inability to write the letters "ith" after the
letter "w", describing it as a "partnership" with Google is a breach of
Google's TOS.

Blog: http://mark.goodge.co.uk
Stuff: http://www.good-stuff.co.uk
2011-10-09 17:41:06 UTC
Post by Mark Goodge
Or, in other words, "Uses Adsense and Google Maps". And, apart from
demonstrating his wierd inability to write the letters "ith" after the
letter "w", describing it as a "partnership" with Google is a breach of
Google's TOS.
I did like the previous claim on his CV that he was "involved in
software delivery". The context in his CV seemed to make it obvious that
this was someone handing him a CD, him getting on his bike and cyling to
another office to drop off the CD.

<checks LinkedIn>

Oh yes, it's still there: "Managed distribution of multimedia software"
and "The duties entailed regular visits with the customer" yup, that's a
fair description for a bicycle courier.

That truly is the CV of a nobody.

Amusingly, I speak three of the languages on his CV and when he's tried
to use them here, it's clear that he doesn't speak them at all. The best
that can be said for him is that he can type shit into Google Translate
then paste the mess here in the naive belief that he can speak a
language. He likes the work "leverage" doesn't he? <shudder>

Ohmigod, someone's put a photo of a psychopath with a ten-thousand yard
stare on his LinkedIn page! Someone needs to hand him a razor, there's a
wanky little bit of bumfluff on his chin.
