Post by Miles Bader"His Highness the TibetanMonkey, the Beach Cruiser Philosopher"
Post by His Highness the TibetanMonkey, the Beach Cruiser PhilosopherDepends on where you are and where you're going. Try going to Ikea,
Target or BestBuy for physically big things (a table or a TV) and take
it home by bike, bus or subway (these stores are readily available by
bike and public transportation in Brooklyn - the one in New York, not
the one in PA or MI).
Use a bike trailer OR rent a truck. After all you don't need an SUV
Or just use the store's delivery service.
If you can't beat them, arrange to have them beaten. [George Carlin]
Thanks, always the appropriate comment. I don't even deny the SUVs
place in the world --somewhere in Africa. ;)
Now, this is deep stuff and it may be coming soon to a theater near
Post by Miles Bader20,000 Workers Laid Off Because Of Government Shutdown In Minnesota
His Highness the DL and the White hair Money man ,
See what can happen!!!!!!!
That's democracy, man! I mean it's "DEMOCRACY AT ITS WORST!"
How on earth can they paralyze a state... a country by denying
governance!? It almost proves the Chinese government right --but it
THE REVOLUTION IS ABOUT SOLUTIONS. It means something is going wrong
Post by Miles BaderOn 7/2/11 11:33 AM, His Highness the TibetanMonkey, the Beach Cruiser
Post by His Highness the TibetanMonkey, the Beach Cruiser PhilosopherPost by His Highness the TibetanMonkey, the Beach Cruiser PhilosopherThings have reached a point where we can really move faster, even by
riding a bike.
Depends on where you are and where you're going. Try going to Ikea,
Target or BestBuy for physically big things (a table or a TV) and take
it home by bike, bus or subway (these stores are readily available by
bike and public transportation in Brooklyn - the one in New York, not
the one in PA or MI).
Use a bike trailer OR rent a truck. After all you don't need an SUV
When did I say I need an SUV every day? I don't even use my car every day.
You just said you couldn't do some stuff with the bike. It's an
educated guess that you drive an SUV to be ready for hauling stuff,
which many claim is the reason for them having a jungle vehicle in the
middle of the city.
Nobody claimed that the bike is the perfect solution for everything
though. Sometimes we bike, sometimes we drive. Problem is many of the
errands where we drive are not accessible for bikes. We got the
trailers, we got the determination, we think it's fun... but we are
not willing to struggle on sidewalks all the time. Bicycle trailers
don't even fit there. Actually a single-wheel trailer fits but there's
little capacity in it --some 30 pound and no bulky stuff.
These causeways --two of them-- are NO MAN'S LAND, but the police and
the light cameras are very active, if you know what I mean. I mean
they are a trap.
Post by Miles BaderPost by His Highness the TibetanMonkey, the Beach Cruiser PhilosopherPost by His Highness the TibetanMonkey, the Beach Cruiser PhilosopherPost by His Highness the TibetanMonkey, the Beach Cruiser PhilosopherWe need alternative transportation, not least bicycles. We also need
fast trains, where China and other countries are investing heavily.
Right your Congressman.
Sure, he will surely say, "I will study the subject, but whatever
little money there is, it's going into digging up streets and leaving
them unfinished. It keeps the people working, you know."
Really? How do you know? If you're not part of the solution, you're part
of the problem. And part of the solution is contact your elected
representatives, and if they aren't representing you, try to get
someone else hired for the position (i.e., vote).
Billions of dollars are spent on public transportation every year. The
governor of NJ recently pulled out of a multibillion tunnel going under
the Hudson River to provide better transportation between NY and NJ.
Now, NJ owes the US Gov't hundreds of millions of dollars.
Not only is the New York Metro area happered by urban transportation
problems, but a project that was bringing billions of dollars to the
area and would benefits residents of New Jersey and New York by
improving transportation was stopped by the short-sighted governor. Now,
that's what's called stupidity.
(This is how I work when elected officials ignore me: I go to the
local forum and throw the crap)
"Where's the evil mind that digs up our streets and leaves them
First, I have to see what is unfinished. Second, I would ask the people
responsible why they are unfinished. It could be that there was a
project that was stopped because of the economy.
I think every single project is unfinished. It would take a committed
team of citizens to go around to different cities to inquire about the
different projects. Most people simply ignore the problem rather than
bother about it.
Post by Miles BaderPost by His Highness the TibetanMonkey, the Beach Cruiser PhilosopherExamples abound: Biscayne Blvd south of 36 st, John F. Kennedy
causeway west of channel 7, Collins next to Fountain Blue, Venetian
Causeway and many other "improvement projects" where cyclists and
pedestrians are left to scramble. These areas are left forever while
nobody is working on it. Sometimes they place the sign "construction
ahead" squarely on the sidewalk, and you feel like kicking the stupid
sign --which I was told is illegal on sidewalk.
Where are you allowed to kick the sign? Is it ok to kick it on a private
On the sidewalk. The guy that told me a is black American guy who must
know, but Jesus or Pedro (Latin = no speak English) think the sidewalk
is the perfect to place the sign.
Whether I'm allowed to kick or not is debatable but I certainly feel
the urge.
Post by Miles BaderIf a construction company or government agency is doing something
illegal, what have you done about it, other than whine more than a
kindergartener? You could complain to the construction company, the
government officials who are supposed to work for *you*, write the
newspapers or just whine like a little baby. So far, I have seen
evidence only for the last one.
I wrote to Channel 7, next to the broken up sidewalk. But they are
looking for blood and mayhem, which may happen because you took to the
road to avoid the broken area. What an irony, no?
Post by Miles BaderHowever, you said what you think your representative would say. That
really tells me that you want to whine and be heard. Good job.
Too bad you don't want to actually do something that will effect a good
change. The people who pay all the money to people in office count on
people to do nothing.
That's right! No better than the people in China! Except that they
work fast on the projects.
Post by Miles BaderPost by His Highness the TibetanMonkey, the Beach Cruiser PhilosopherIt is said, "Never attribute to malice what can be attributed to
stupidity," but it would seem like there's an evil mind to make life
difficult for people. Are they trying to say perhaps, "See, you need
me. Hire me again to finish the job."
What makes you assume that they were paid to finish the job? Perhaps
their funding ran out.
Stop whining and start with the facts.
Maybe Obama wants you to think that he's pouring money into
infrastructure... but everything goes down the black hole. It just
shows that pouring more money won't solve the problem. Maybe it takes
transparency first.
Where's on Earth is the brilliant mind leading America like China? And
are they smart after all? That's a different question.
If they ignore the mundane monkey --the cyclist-- they are not.