His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
2013-03-08 20:40:59 UTC
(Of course, you should take this with a grain of salt, a sense of
humor if you will, but I always say America would be better off under
British rule. We would have universal healthcare, for example, if not
better transportation system. It's just something to make to wonder
about the nature of independence and dependency. In a globalized world
there's only one power. That's the power of money, right? Of course,
I'm trying to make them do something good instead of living under
caudillos and corruption)
It sounds like we failed to make anything meaningful out of
independence, so Spain is the next logical solution. Under Spanish
rule we can bring European civilization, something that's missing in
our countries, always following the model of the country to the north.
Naturally we have the wrong model of hardcore capitalism that trickles
down into our nations. Our elites travel and invest their money there
and... Well, you know the rest.
Spain is not in the best shape in its history but perhaps investing in
Latin America could revitalize its economy. Well, it could be another
crazy idea, but I've seen our nations follow other models no less
exotic to our culture, including communism.
Time to think now that the Proyecto Bolivariano is dead. Isn't it?
Bolivar went around looking for support in England...
"In the end, he wanted to be made dictator for life. Bolivar also
famously denounced the young United States - but pursued alliances
with England, then the world's super power."
Now England is like the 51th State but back then it wasn't. We should
instead seek support in Europe itself. But we will be different, of
course. We don't want to compete with Germany. We refuse. Our GDP will
be measured in H-A-P-I-N-E-S-S, a rare commodity seldom found in
America. You may look for it in Denmark or Costa Rica though, very
small unpretentious countries. Yes, they must be humble --just as
myself, may I say.
Yes, our "gringo amigos" will be welcomed but our rules will be
different. NO GATED COMMUNITIES OR SUVS. Everything nice and safe.
Lots of social places. Just like in Denmark perhaps. Our jungles
though will be our patrimony, a place for worship.
"Yes, we can!"
humor if you will, but I always say America would be better off under
British rule. We would have universal healthcare, for example, if not
better transportation system. It's just something to make to wonder
about the nature of independence and dependency. In a globalized world
there's only one power. That's the power of money, right? Of course,
I'm trying to make them do something good instead of living under
caudillos and corruption)
It sounds like we failed to make anything meaningful out of
independence, so Spain is the next logical solution. Under Spanish
rule we can bring European civilization, something that's missing in
our countries, always following the model of the country to the north.
Naturally we have the wrong model of hardcore capitalism that trickles
down into our nations. Our elites travel and invest their money there
and... Well, you know the rest.
Spain is not in the best shape in its history but perhaps investing in
Latin America could revitalize its economy. Well, it could be another
crazy idea, but I've seen our nations follow other models no less
exotic to our culture, including communism.
Time to think now that the Proyecto Bolivariano is dead. Isn't it?
On Mar 7, 6:35 pm, "His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble
Indeed - Giga and Tera are much better.
OK, I don't expect our "gringo amigos" to know about this but SimonOn Mar 7, 6:21 pm, "His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble
The Americas will create a common market, the greatest in history. It
will span from the Strait of Bering to the Estrecho de Magallanes. We
will kick the assess of Europe and Asia.
That is not colonialism, neither neo- nor paleo-.
Nothing mega is good. Too big and it crumbles.On Mar 7, 5:20 pm, "His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble
I just don't see the advantages of neocolonialism over colonialism.Philosopher"
Time to think now that the Proyecto Bolivariano is dead.
Isn't it?
Don't be ridiculous. If you want to be a subject of the King, move toIsn't it?
will span from the Strait of Bering to the Estrecho de Magallanes. We
will kick the assess of Europe and Asia.
That is not colonialism, neither neo- nor paleo-.
Bolivar went around looking for support in England...
"In the end, he wanted to be made dictator for life. Bolivar also
famously denounced the young United States - but pursued alliances
with England, then the world's super power."
Now England is like the 51th State but back then it wasn't. We should
instead seek support in Europe itself. But we will be different, of
course. We don't want to compete with Germany. We refuse. Our GDP will
be measured in H-A-P-I-N-E-S-S, a rare commodity seldom found in
America. You may look for it in Denmark or Costa Rica though, very
small unpretentious countries. Yes, they must be humble --just as
myself, may I say.
Yes, our "gringo amigos" will be welcomed but our rules will be
different. NO GATED COMMUNITIES OR SUVS. Everything nice and safe.
Lots of social places. Just like in Denmark perhaps. Our jungles
though will be our patrimony, a place for worship.
"Yes, we can!"