His Highness the TibetanMonkey, originator of the Stop the Bullshit Campaign
2011-03-13 14:28:02 UTC
(I'm gonna recycle this post to illustrate the point that the bicycle
is the only vehicle of liberation outside of horses and mules. Well,
Jesus rode a donkey for a reason. Notice this proves Ayn Rand's
individualism wrong for ever)
a) the government is not the monopoly provider.
b) when I can opt out paying said government.
Have you thought about the Amish communities? I think they have the
option not to go on public roads.
Actually you may do the same with a bike on trails and not "feed the
employees. And since going to the police is somewhere between a risk to
myself and ineffective why bother unless the private insurance company
that I have contracted with requires it?
That's true. They are there to suck your blood with dumb speeding
tickets. But if you ride a bike, you won't get one. ;)
is the only vehicle of liberation outside of horses and mules. Well,
Jesus rode a donkey for a reason. Notice this proves Ayn Rand's
individualism wrong for ever)
It's obviously not worth it. As he drives on a public road from his
employer who's likely getting a tax break, he'll make use of the
bridges and lights provided by the government.
Be sure to let me know whenemployer who's likely getting a tax break, he'll make use of the
bridges and lights provided by the government.
a) the government is not the monopoly provider.
b) when I can opt out paying said government.
option not to go on public roads.
Actually you may do the same with a bike on trails and not "feed the
Were he robbed while walking down a publicly available sidewalk to the
local park kept clean by government workers, he'd go to the police and
report it.
The only times I've ever been robbed it has been by governmentlocal park kept clean by government workers, he'd go to the police and
report it.
employees. And since going to the police is somewhere between a risk to
myself and ineffective why bother unless the private insurance company
that I have contracted with requires it?
tickets. But if you ride a bike, you won't get one. ;)