Left Lane allowed only for passing
(too old to reply)
David Chesler
2011-10-04 11:41:56 UTC
This past weekend (October 2) the VMS on 128 in Burlington and on Route
3 between there and NH said the left lane was allowed only for passing.
(It was flashing the first half and second half of the message
alternately, so much safer than reading a text, and so much training me
that the sign is Really Important, sign) so I don't have it exactly.

Is that the law in Massachusetts? It's certainly good etiquette, but I
thought passing on the right is allowed, so road-hogging the left is
also not illegal. At least on a divided freeway, where each half is
considered a one-way way.
- David Chesler <***@post.harvard.edu>
New York's home, but it ain't mine no more
2011-10-04 16:55:36 UTC
This past weekend (October 2) the VMS on 128 in Burlington and on Route 3
between there and NH said the left lane was allowed only for passing. (It
was flashing the first half and second half of the message alternately, so
much safer than reading a text, and so much training me that the sign is
Really Important, sign) so I don't have it exactly.
Is that the law in Massachusetts? It's certainly good etiquette, but I
thought passing on the right is allowed, so road-hogging the left is also
not illegal. At least on a divided freeway, where each half is considered
a one-way way.
New York's home, but it ain't mine no more
I always thought it was considered illegal to pass on the right.
This link will probably answer your question about the use of the left lane
2011-10-04 17:23:00 UTC
Post by David Chesler
This past weekend (October 2) the VMS on 128 in Burlington and on Route
3 between there and NH said the left lane was allowed only for passing.
Is that the law in Massachusetts? It's certainly good etiquette, but I
thought passing on the right is allowed, so road-hogging the left is
also not illegal. At least on a divided freeway, where each half is
considered a one-way way.
MGL 89-4B says keep right except to pass.

MGL 89-2 says no passing on the right, except if the other car is
turning left, or the street or roadway is one way (which should
include expressways).

IMO these laws are not inconsistent. You shouldn't block the left
lane unnecessarily, but if you do, other people are allowed to make
the effort to get around you on the right.

My friend was pulled over on Route 3 a few months ago and got 2
tickets. I haven't seen the tickets, but it sounds like one was for
driving in the left lane when the other lanes were empty, and the
other was for speeding.

I was surprised, since I'd never heard of anyone getting ticketed for
either offense on a Massachusetts expressway. And I'd consider it a
responsible use of the left lane if you're going at a typical left
lane speed while the other lanes are empty, if you keep an eye out and
move right for faster cars coming up behind you.

And I'm also slightly disappointed that these signs are being used for
nag messages, even ones I agree with. I liked when they were only
used for urgent traffic problems.

Jeffrey Kaplan
2011-10-05 00:29:39 UTC
Post by Jimmy
My friend was pulled over on Route 3 a few months ago and got 2
tickets. I haven't seen the tickets, but it sounds like one was for
driving in the left lane when the other lanes were empty, and the
other was for speeding.
A bunch of years ago, I was driving home from work at 2am in West
Roxbury. Traffic light was just turning green as I was approaching in
the right lane, there was another car in the left lane that was stopped
for the light, so I kept going. That is, until the blinking blue
lights in my rearview told me to pull over. Ticketed for "passing on
the right".

However, maybe because I told the cop I was going to contest it or
maybe he made a mistake, it was written up as "passing on the left",
and the clerk/magistrate tossed it.
Post by Jimmy
And I'm also slightly disappointed that these signs are being used for
nag messages, even ones I agree with. I liked when they were only
used for urgent traffic problems.
Where I am now, in NH, those signs are set to blink "Speed
Costs"/"Speed Kills".
Jeffrey Kaplan www.gordol.org
Double ROT13 encoded for your protection

"They're faster. I swear they're evolving right before my eyes. If
you see something, this big, with eight legs coming your way, let me
know. I have to kill it before it develops language skills." (Amb.
Mollari, B5 "Sic Transit Vir")
2011-10-05 18:07:53 UTC
Post by Jeffrey Kaplan
A bunch of years ago, I was driving home from work at 2am in West
Roxbury.  Traffic light was just turning green as I was approaching in
the right lane, there was another car in the left lane that was stopped
for the light, so I kept going.  That is, until the blinking blue
lights in my rearview told me to pull over.  Ticketed for "passing on
the right".
That's ridiculous. What are you supposed to do in that situation?
Stop in the right lane until that car moves? Move to the left lane
and stop behind them?

John F. Carr
2011-10-07 11:29:34 UTC
Post by Jimmy
My friend was pulled over on Route 3 a few months ago and got 2
tickets. I haven't seen the tickets, but it sounds like one was for
driving in the left lane when the other lanes were empty, and the
other was for speeding.
This is the standard ticket combination when you sit in the left
lane blocking a police officer who wants to go faster.
John Carr (***@mit.edu)
2011-10-10 21:36:40 UTC
Post by David Chesler
This past weekend (October 2) the VMS on 128 in Burlington and on Route
3 between there and NH said the left lane was allowed only for passing.
(It was flashing the first half and second half of the message
alternately, so much safer than reading a text, and so much training me
that the sign is Really Important, sign) so I don't have it exactly.
Is that the law in Massachusetts? It's certainly good etiquette, but I
thought passing on the right is allowed, so road-hogging the left is
also not illegal. At least on a divided freeway, where each half is
considered a one-way way.
     New York's home, but it ain't mine no more
People driving on Route 24 tend to pass on the left. I have noticed
that most will not pass the old lady on Rt 24. This lady drives at 55
mph in the LEFT LANE. I've seen her more than once. I've seen a few
copycats. People will not pass her on the right.

She is supposed to move to the right, but she will not do so.

