Want to fight corruption? Let Europeans bid on our public works!
(too old to reply)
His Highness the TibetanMonkey, the Beach Cruiser Philosopher
2012-10-24 15:52:32 UTC
The "cancer of corruption" is eating away any bike facilities and
adding unnecessary obstacles to the roads. The money is dumped
wherever they feel like it instead of addressing the real needs of the
community, for example, connecting the existing bike lanes. This is
reality around here.

But this radical idea is being put in practice in Quebec, where
corruption is eating away as much as 30% of the funds for public
works. I figure this number is about 90% of the Banana Republic where
I live. So it means that nothing gets done while the money is being
dumped down the drain, or "black hole" as I call it.

Imagine the revolution making this everyday practice to fight
corruption. That's right, the revolution is about solutions. I would
bring German and Dutch experts to reconstruct roads and bike
facilities, to install speed cameras and institute autobahns.

MONTREAL--The Quebec government is enthusiastically endorsing the idea
of opening up public-works contracts to European companies in the wake
of corruption scandals in its construction industry.

The province's international-relations minister said opening the door
to foreign competition could help solve Quebec's problem.

There had been speculation about whether the newly elected Parti
Quebecois government would support or fight efforts at a Canadian free-
trade deal with the European Union. It was energetically touting
Friday some of the benefits of a possible agreement.

"If we want to extract the cancer that is collusion and corruption--is
more light and more competition part of the answer? You bet it is,"
Jean-Francois Lisee said in Montreal, following an information session
on Canada-EU negotiations.

"Of course, more competition and more players in a small market can
only help in giving us more bang for our buck, and so, that's good

Lisee's comments come as Quebec holds an explosive inquiry into
corruption and collusion in its construction industry.

He noted that Quebec spends about $5 billion per year on
infrastructure projects of which, according to inquiry testimony,
between 15 and 30 per cent has been funnelled to criminal
organizations or gobbled up through rigged bids and kickbacks.

Read more:


Miles Bader
2012-10-25 01:57:08 UTC
"His Highness the TibetanMonkey, the Beach Cruiser Philosopher"
Post by His Highness the TibetanMonkey, the Beach Cruiser Philosopher
MONTREAL--The Quebec government is enthusiastically endorsing the idea
of opening up public-works contracts to European companies in the wake
of corruption scandals in its construction industry.
Please do this in NYC, SF, ....

Is it true that nothing can be known? If so how do we know this? -Woody Allen
danny burstein
2012-10-25 02:12:47 UTC
Post by Miles Bader
"His Highness the TibetanMonkey, the Beach Cruiser Philosopher"
Post by His Highness the TibetanMonkey, the Beach Cruiser Philosopher
MONTREAL--The Quebec government is enthusiastically endorsing the idea
of opening up public-works contracts to European companies in the wake
of corruption scandals in its construction industry.
Please do this in NYC, SF, ....
Lesseee..... Bombardier, one of the two main subway
car manufacturers, is based in Canada. Kawasaki, the
other, is based in... [left as an exercise to the student]
Knowledge may be power, but communications is the key
[to foil spammers, my address has been double rot-13 encoded]
His Highness the TibetanMonkey, the Beach Cruiser Philosopher
2012-10-25 15:06:08 UTC
(I don't even know why I post this here.
Being on-topic has yet to be your forte.
Or even anything on key. Aside from the monk part.
I try to honor my name and really produce some practical wisdom.
Perhaps because I already
have a faithful audience where they expect anything from me.
I tend to read most everything.
Usually there are only a couple of posts,
where, "here" is for me.
That's good. Just avoid the newspaper.
A thought of cancer arose this morning
in response to what Tim had said about stigma.
Mental processes are said to be stigmatized
in a way that physical processes are not
when a culture considers some to be, "wrong"
in terms of whatever that culture determines.
Somebody will always call things wrong, be it God, society or the

And I humbly participate in that name calling.

For example, God called eating from the Forbidden Fruit "wrong," but I
see nothing wrong with it.
To think cancer is wrong
is a fashion of thought that is in fashion.
Cancers are only natural.
People are only natural.
Naturally, what is only natural
is at times considered artificial
if not entirely unnatural by some
considering such considerations.
You don't fight the sick cells with chemo?
Not even terrorism comes close.
What is called terrorism on the one side
is called fighting for liberation or freedom
by those on the other side.
Drones for instance
are probably seen as terrible
by those who are attacked by them
but seen as justified by those who think,
in their fashion of thinking, that they're a
really cool way to fight, "evil"
or against "wrong" stuff.
True, so you are implying that there's no good and evil.
Once the cancer is removed we can live a healthy lifestyle.
One can live a healthy lifestyle
with or without cancer. It's probably, actually,
one's lifestyle that grows the cancer to begin with.
Just a guess. Stress might be a component.
True. Sitting on you ass may also be a factor.
Fashions of thought vary.
Some stroll down a runway
without ever taking flight.
Are they practicing?
I know
some here tend to ignore the issues, but how can you possibly ignore
this one. That's what the corrupt officials want anyway)
Ignore it?
I simply don't care about it.
See, your bridges may crumble on you and the sidewalks may make you
fall. It may be your grandma that takes the fall.
It's a byproduct of life, of fruit.
It's what occurs after a thing is ripe.
That thing then gets rotten.
It's only natural.
Some systems are such
that cream and scum rise to the top.
Scum is deemed to be, "wrong"
while cream is fashionably thought "right"
by those who think in such terms.
Your posts often provide me a Way
to get beyond such terms - to avoid the fruit
of the tree of the knowing of that duality.
When one eats that fruit, one dies in that day.
No escape from the fruit. Banana or banality are two choices.
Democracy is banality.
His Highness the TibetanMonkey, the Beach Cruiser Philosopher
2012-10-25 15:33:59 UTC
Post by Miles Bader
"His Highness the TibetanMonkey, the Beach Cruiser Philosopher"
Post by His Highness the TibetanMonkey, the Beach Cruiser Philosopher
MONTREAL--The Quebec government is enthusiastically endorsing the idea
of opening up public-works contracts to European companies in the wake
of corruption scandals in its construction industry.
Please do this in NYC, SF, ....
OK, this is the kind of beautification I'm talking about...

(see picture one)

Loading Image...

The "beautification" is taking place in a community that's falling
apart, sidewalks broken and unsafe. And of course, littering is all
over the place. These curbs are dangerous though. They are constantly
hit by cars and you see the mark of the tires all over it. But that's
the least of my concerns. A cyclist trying to avoid traffic or turning
right would easily miss these obstacles at night and fall head first.

They are visible for sure, but not in a way that make communities any
better. Check this out...

(somewhere in America)

"This with out a doubt is the most moronic thing in recent months to
happen to this shit hole burrito town....this has to be a way to hide
stolen money taken from the town on this useless project. it narrowed
the already narrow street of division...you cannot park in front of
resturants on division..and wtf are the village guys gonna do in
winter with the plows when snow covers it in the winter..what a circle
jerk...vote out serpico and who ever is running this town into the
f#cking ground...enough is enough..also tired of seeing the scum of
melrose getting jobs running the taste beer garden stand and handing
out towels to people at the civic center that make 60k a year..its

His Highness the TibetanMonkey, the Beach Cruiser Philosopher
2012-10-26 17:31:16 UTC
Post by His Highness the TibetanMonkey, the Beach Cruiser Philosopher
(I don't even know why I post this here.
Being on-topic has yet to be your forte.
Or even anything on key. Aside from the monk part.
I try to honor my name and really produce some practical wisdom.
Wisdom may wear many shades.
Names are names, so it says in an Ancient Text.
I don't think you have read any of the ones
pertaining to a group you are cross-posting into.
Such a practice, to me, seams unwise.
Rather foolish, actually. Trollish.
It does not bring honor to your name.
It seems, rather, idiotic, to me.
The Wise Man gets wise along the way. Did the Buddha have a clue where
he would be enlightened? I follow my own path and it may cross the
Buddha's at some point. Are we going together somewhere or different
Post by His Highness the TibetanMonkey, the Beach Cruiser Philosopher
For example, God called eating from the Forbidden Fruit "wrong," but I
see nothing wrong with it.
Hence, you persist in your doings.
In your vanity you think yourself wise.
In an Ancient Text, pertaining to a group
to which you cross-post into, it speaks of wisdom
and of how things go-together.
Perhaps some day you will read it
and post something on-topic.
I never say no.
Something of value
pertaining to a group
to which you cross-post into.
I repeatedly give you food for thought. I may be outside the box to be
a creative force. Repeating the old texts doesn't open new paths.
Post by His Highness the TibetanMonkey, the Beach Cruiser Philosopher
To think cancer is wrong
is a fashion of thought that is in fashion.
Cancers are only natural.
People are only natural.
Naturally, what is only natural
is at times considered artificial
if not entirely unnatural by some
considering such considerations.
You don't fight the sick cells with chemo?
You might fight anything you deem wrong.
You may miss the point entirely
and do nothing for the cancer either.
Perhaps you have no choice
and shall die with your corruption,
being blind to it in your self-righteous
vain wisdom. You do not see your own
corruption, thus it appears as others.
It's the same old shit.
You must be corrupt to survive among the corrupt. But I'm never
greedy. I understand that someone is corrupt to survive but not when
they make handsome salaries.
Post by His Highness the TibetanMonkey, the Beach Cruiser Philosopher
True, so you are implying that there's no good and evil.
Anything can be seen as good or as evil
when seen from a different point of view.
There are views where good and evil are irrelevant.
There are posts made to groups that do not pertain.
Good, some say Hitler was not that evil. Many say Bush is good.

You be the judge.
Post by His Highness the TibetanMonkey, the Beach Cruiser Philosopher
No escape from the fruit.
Perhaps for you this is true.
Being only human, it may be only natural.
Post by His Highness the TibetanMonkey, the Beach Cruiser Philosopher
Banana or banality are two choices.
There may be many more than two.
True, there are democracies and "democracies."
Post by His Highness the TibetanMonkey, the Beach Cruiser Philosopher
Democracy is banality.
If that is the view you choose.
If that is the only tool you have to use.
A hammer can be a fine instrument
when nails are what are in question.
To pound them in or remove them.
But if that is the only tool you have.
A screwdriver can be important.
But not everything is screwed
together nor can be unscrewed.
My wisdom is about having the right tool for a nice job. That's how
evolution came along, first the stone, then the axle, last the

But it must have a purpose. You don't dig up holes and cover them up
to make a profit. Big machinery is scattered around for doing some
banal job. That's stupid, says the smart monkey. He's pissed and
proposes solutions. He really wants to be civilized and social. He
wants to protect nature and save the roaming spirit of the homo
sapiens, the "bipedal species" that loves to pedal forward.

Then he turns to the best tool he knows and uses the keyboard to
communicate with other smart monkeys.
Perhaps a monkey only has his banana.
That might be his evolutionary state.
As far as he may ever climb.
As far as he may ever see.
There are birds and turtles
and frogs to be found
hidden in an Ancient Text.
Birds fly, turtles take their time, frogs croak. They all are wise.

I read all that loud and clear. A new order is coming:

His Highness the TibetanMonkey, the Beach Cruiser Philosopher
2012-10-26 21:16:36 UTC
(We jump from the laws of karma to the laws of cause and effect and
commonsense. If you got a weak link in your chain... FIX IT! It's this
kind of bike wisdom that has made me famous. "Beach Cruiser
Philosophy"... KEEP IT SIMPLE! How about a handbrake in front in case
the chain fails? It doesn't hurt... PREVENTION!)
A bike chain used to have a master link.
Perhaps now they are unending.
"The bike chain breaks at the weakest link."

Profound, really profound, but applicable to everyday life.

Think of all the bike lanes out there that are not connected. The
chain is broken so the links are totally useless.


His Highness the TibetanMonkey, the Beach Cruiser Philosopher
2012-10-27 16:38:21 UTC
On Fri, 26 Oct 2012 14:12:48 -0700 (PDT), "TibetanMonkey, the Beach
Post by His Highness the TibetanMonkey, the Beach Cruiser Philosopher
(We jump from the laws of karma to the laws of cause and effect and
commonsense. If you got a weak link in your chain... FIX IT! It's this
kind of bike wisdom that has made me famous. "Beach Cruiser
Philosophy"... KEEP IT SIMPLE! How about a handbrake in front in case
the chain fails? It doesn't hurt... PREVENTION!)
A bike chain used to have a master link.
Perhaps now they are unending.
"The bike chain breaks at the weakest link."
Profound, really profound, but applicable to everyday life.
Think of all the bike lanes out there that are not connected. The
chain is broken so the links are totally useless.
But is the master link the weakest link?
I've never said that much. I leave that to the experts... the "bike
mechanic." The Wise Man always listens to the experts.
And is the Simian Soothsayer qualified to comment?
Famous quotations:

"If there's a missing link, don't ride your bike!"

That's something like missing a shoe. Incidentally, the first bikes
didn't have any chains!

Then a clever monkey figured that something was missing and voila!

But someone figured that would mean freedom for all and took it away.
Now nobody can ride.

Loading Image...
His Highness the TibetanMonkey, the Beach Cruiser Philosopher
2012-10-27 16:51:43 UTC
Wait, many bad people get away with crime, but in this case it'll be
their grandchildren who will pay for their environmental crimes.
How's that contemplated in the Laws of Karma?
For me, I'd contemplate it
in terms of the old man with a horse.
What you see as bad people
getting away with crimes
which you think are wrong
could turn out to be
something very good
for which grandchildren will
be thankful that their grand parents
had done, and thus was very good.
Had this generation not consumed
a great enough portion of fossil fuel
there would not have been a motive
to find other sources at this time.
But we are producing a cancer of unknown prognosis. The jungles are
under attack and thousands of species are going extinct.

Where's the PREVENTION that we should be practicing? Are we addicted
to oil? Of course we are.

The only hope is a so called "Prophet of the Jungle," but he goes by
different names.
His Highness the TibetanMonkey, the Beach Cruiser Philosopher
2012-10-27 17:24:17 UTC
On Oct 27, 12:36 pm, "TibetanMonkey, the Beach Cruiser Philosopher"
Post by His Highness the TibetanMonkey, the Beach Cruiser Philosopher
On Fri, 26 Oct 2012 14:12:48 -0700 (PDT), "TibetanMonkey, the Beach
Post by His Highness the TibetanMonkey, the Beach Cruiser Philosopher
(We jump from the laws of karma to the laws of cause and effect and
commonsense. If you got a weak link in your chain... FIX IT! It's this
kind of bike wisdom that has made me famous. "Beach Cruiser
Philosophy"... KEEP IT SIMPLE! How about a handbrake in front in case
the chain fails? It doesn't hurt... PREVENTION!)
A bike chain used to have a master link.
Perhaps now they are unending.
"The bike chain breaks at the weakest link."
Profound, really profound, but applicable to everyday life.
Think of all the bike lanes out there that are not connected. The
chain is broken so the links are totally useless.
But is the master link the weakest link?
I've never said that much. I leave that to the experts... the "bike
mechanic." The Wise Man always listens to the experts.
And is the Simian Soothsayer qualified to comment?
"If there's a missing link, don't ride your bike!"
That's something like missing a shoe. Incidentally, the first bikes
didn't have any chains!
Then a clever monkey figured that something was missing and voila!
But someone figured that would mean freedom for all and took it away.
Now nobody can ride.
Under the revolutionary laws, "soccer moms" will be phased out in a
period of 5 years (to allow them to pay their SUV loans) and a new
breed of women will be promoted:

Loading Image...

Notice she won't be dangerous to other people anymore. You may bump
into her and not regret it. She will say, "Hi, good morning, what a
beautiful day!"

And the kids will actually be having fun. No cage anymore.

Continue reading on narkive: