His Highness the TibetanMonkey, the Beach Cruiser Philosopher
2011-06-03 23:43:12 UTC
This belongs more in the paranormal than in the religious realm. But
the Christians, Tibetans and many others turn to prayers. What's the
physical dimension of it?
All they have to do is pray out loud, in unison and face the windmill.the Christians, Tibetans and many others turn to prayers. What's the
physical dimension of it?
Properly focused it could produceusableenergy.
They could use it in a study.
Prayer works!
In a double blind study it was shown that prayer is more effective than a
good joke when it comes to charging a cell phone.
Naturally the atheists cried fowl and pointed out that the system was
designed for long winded and low amounts ofenergyand that the belly laugh
overwhelms the test system and wastes most of theenergy.
Further testing is planned with better systems and sneezing will be added to
the study.
"Please God don't let me sneeze, AHHHHH CHOOOO" will also be evaluated.
that prayers have some benefits. As I was saying above, INNOVATE OR
DIE. In Africa they are turning crap into energy! I'm not kidding...
(I quote)
“You build a toilet and then what? It fills up, and then what? Right?
There’s no way to actually treat and dispose of the waste,” said
Vallabhaneni “You actually need to build out the entire sanitation
value chain to effectively tackle this problem.”
It’s that phrase—“the sanitation value chain”—that perhaps sums up the
inspiration behind the new company. Where others see a problem, the
students behind Sanergy see a resource.
“Which then leads to the third part, which is conversion,” said
Stradley. “So converting that waste into electricity and fertilizer
that we can sell and generate the revenue for the business as a
And this is where the company believes there’s real money to be made.
Part of the waste can be converted into biogas – essentially methane –
which can then be burned to generate electricity, a practice that’s
currently done in parts of Europe. Some of the waste can also be
converted into fertilizer. Both are badly needed resources in this
part of the world.
Could we use the Bible for similar purposes? Can any kind of crap be
recovered this way?
Things must have a use and prayers must be studied for their
usefulness --or perhaps be discarded.