Post by Joe MorrisPost by Pete from BostonAn unused US 3 right-of-way in Burlington, Mass. from 1972 or so,-71.21...
Not sure what the current ownership of this parcel is, though where
I've crossed it there doesn't seem to be any development.
Any other instances of ghost rights-of-way showing up where Google has
implemented this feature?
You can see lots of these from Atlanta's old streetcar system
Here's one in Ormewood Park: it ran NE along Delware Ave but continued
diagonally to Moreland. The historic buildings all respect the ROW
but it's all trees now :),-95.677068&sspn=36.999937,56....
Joe Morris Atlanta history forums
There was an article in the Boston Globe's North section recently
about this property. I believe the Guetterez(sp) Company either has
an option on this property or has bought it from the state. The state
had taken the property for the extention of Route 3 south toward
Boston, but after Route 3 was permanently terminated at Route 128, the
state no longer needs it. Guetterez(sp) wants to develop the property
by building a Target store there along with an unnamed restaurant.
They have been working with the town of Burlington trying to rezone
the land from residential to commercial. Access to the property would
be via Wheeler Road west of the Middlesex Turnpike. However, the
Middlesex Turnpike between the Route 128 bridge and Adams Street is
probably the most congested roadway in Burlington and the surronding
area and there is no reasonable way to correct the problem. More
business in the area will only make matters worse. In addition, just
north of the Route 128 bridge, there is a large property that was a
Dodge dealer that is waiting for development and just north of where
the Burlington Mall ends, and west of the Turnpike, a large industrial
area is about to undergo a major redelopment that will include a huge
Wegmans Food Store, restaurants, residences and, I think, some
Jerry S