His Highness the TibetanMonkey, the Beach Cruiser Philosopher
2011-12-04 02:04:08 UTC
My girlfriend told me she dreamed of killing herself, perhaps
influenced by this old lady she takes care of who doesn't have a
quality life, and I said that it would make no sense to keep on living
when you don't have your health.
In this Christian world, where CAUSE & EFFECT are rarely connected,
they deny you SPACE TO WALK/RIDE A BIKE, they deny you a HEALTHY DIET,
and when you get sick they deny you HEALTHCARE & EUTHANASIA. Isn't
that the ultimate cruelty?
In the Wisdom of the Jungle, though, what matters most is the QUALITY
OF LIFE, and then you could choose to take the plunge into the
unknown. Epicurus said death is not to be feared, and my mice confirm
that such is the truth. Last mouse to die just took the jump when she
became ill, but Koko is alive and well. She's working out at the wheel
and eating healthy. She's inspirational for the revolution.
influenced by this old lady she takes care of who doesn't have a
quality life, and I said that it would make no sense to keep on living
when you don't have your health.
In this Christian world, where CAUSE & EFFECT are rarely connected,
they deny you SPACE TO WALK/RIDE A BIKE, they deny you a HEALTHY DIET,
and when you get sick they deny you HEALTHCARE & EUTHANASIA. Isn't
that the ultimate cruelty?
In the Wisdom of the Jungle, though, what matters most is the QUALITY
OF LIFE, and then you could choose to take the plunge into the
unknown. Epicurus said death is not to be feared, and my mice confirm
that such is the truth. Last mouse to die just took the jump when she
became ill, but Koko is alive and well. She's working out at the wheel
and eating healthy. She's inspirational for the revolution.