Who's smarter, God or the Devil?
(too old to reply)
His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
2013-06-05 11:38:10 UTC
On Jun 2, 9:58 am, "His Higness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble
As I was reading a book* last night about "meritocracy" (who's
smarter), I said to myself, "Hey wait a minute, Satan issmarterthan
God. He should rule the world!" And indeed he does. Whoever runs the
world must besmarterthan the competition.
And we all know how competitive the Heavens are. It seems a battle
between "good & evil," but we know how uncertain that is. I think the
one with the most riches tend to rule and that places theDevilon the
top spot.
What do you think? This is an amazing topic for philosophers and
anyone seeking the truth. Christians are invited though.
* 'Twilight of the Elites'
Are you serious?
It tookGodsix entire days to make the thing.
It took Satan two minutes with a snake puppet
to bring it all down.
I assume Satan thought God wasn't ready to run the world. "He doesn't
know nothing about human nature --he thought-- so I tempt these two
idiots --Adam & Eve-- and they will take a bite."

And the Devil was right, God didn't have a fucking clue about human
Paul Anderson
2013-06-05 23:20:22 UTC
Since both God and the Devil are concepts made up by humans, you can
make up any answer you like and it could be correct.

Tanush Topia
2013-06-06 00:34:11 UTC
Post by Paul Anderson
Since both God and the Devil are concepts made up by humans, you can
make up any answer you like and it could be correct.
Hi Paul, if you're human, do you know whose concept are you?

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His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
2013-06-06 01:45:44 UTC
Post by Tanush Topia
Post by Paul Anderson
Since both God and the Devil are concepts made up by humans, you can
make up any answer you like and it could be correct.
Hi Paul, if you're human, do you know whose concept are you?
My dogs think I'm a great guy. Other people don't.

But I generally don't care because a man gotta do what a man gotta do.
His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
2013-06-06 01:45:54 UTC
Post by Paul Anderson
Since both God and the Devil are concepts made up by humans, you can
make up any answer you like and it could be correct.
Well, it's all about the Christians, isn't it?
Post by Paul Anderson
On Wed, 5 Jun 2013 02:50:04 -0700 (PDT), "His Highness the Wise
In article
Higness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher"
On 03/06/2013 01:23, His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble
On Jun 2, 3:44 pm, "His Higness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble
Melodies like that must be heard in Hell all the time. But I think
Bach is played sometimes.
Hell sounds like such a happy place.
What the Hell, we may as well check it out.
Everyone knows theDevilhas the best tunes.
And you can sell your soul to him (and get it back if you have Daniel
Webster as your lawyer).Godjust makes threats.
Satan simply pays better thanGod. Look what a bum Jesus was while the
Popes got it all.
Godand Jesus are both farsmarterthan theDevil. TheDevilwould still
be a arch angel if he had not had tried to take over heaven and take the
place ofGod. TheDevilthought he wassmarterthanGodbut he was wrong.
If there was noDevil, church attendance would be zip. He's their
P.R. agent. They'd be out of work without him.
Thanks to him they can look good!
His criminal record is very uncertain though.
But the charges! No one has been accused more often.
How could Geraldine have survived without theDevil?
They are trying to look better than the Devil, but not smarter than
their own god.

Or maybe they look neither good nor smarter.
His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
2013-06-06 17:39:25 UTC

Well, the Christians are still accountable...
accountable for What ?
Oh well, say for ignoring climate change while promoting
overpopulation. Guess where this is leading to...

Right, the end of the species, nothing else.
His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
2013-06-06 19:49:32 UTC
"His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher"  wrote in
Well, the Christians are still accountable...
accountable  for  What   ?
Oh well, say for ignoring climate change while promoting
overpopulation. Guess where this is leading to...
Right, the end of the species, nothing else.
so do you feel that the species
has shown itself to be worthy
of its existence?
Well, we have as much right to live here as monkeys and cockroaches.
At least they have the common sense not to overpopulate an area with,
say, 100 roaches per square foot.
His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
2013-06-07 20:22:16 UTC
"His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher" wrote in
"His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher" wrote in
"His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher" wrote in
"His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher"
"His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher"
Well, the Christians are still accountable...
accountable for What ?
Oh well, say for ignoring climate change while promoting
overpopulation. Guess where this is leading to...
Right, the end of the species, nothing else.
so do you feel that the species
has shown itself to be worthy
of its existence?
Well, we have as much right to live here as monkeys and cockroaches.
At least they have the common sense not to overpopulate an area with,
say, 100 roaches per square foot.
what can grant a right to existence?
Well, existence gives you the right to existence. It's not like you
have the option to go another planet.
from what authority does existence
itself give things the right to exist?
Power, it's all about power. However power is a dangerous weapon to
play with.
Say, for example, by what authority an SUV can be driven without
little regard to safety? And what's the reason for them being on the
road anyway?
would you prefer that they
take to the sidewalks?
Well, so long as the dinosaurs rule the world...
safety's just a pipe dream, as far
as your human identification goes
anyway. there is no real safety for
that weak, fragile electromagnetic
protoplasm called human. your real
nature, on the other hand, doesn't
need safety since nothing in the relative
physical manifestation can harm it.
Can you talk in plain English?
I think you are trying to say that people are a fantasy.
I get it, people are a fantasy but angels are real.
nothing is "real" save for that which
is the prior-most principle, as such.
that which is the "support" for relativity
is the only "real".
Nothing is real therefore nothing matters.

Are our relatives, our community "real," or just a figment of our

Now the big question, are YOU real?

(That's the sort of logical traps Buddhists fall into --unless they
also follow the Wisdom of the Jungle I humbly represent. We deal with
reality --"we" is my dogs and I)
His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
2013-06-08 15:40:33 UTC
On Jun 6, 10:14 am, "His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble
On Jun 5, 9:43 pm, "His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble
Post by Paul Anderson
On Wed, 5 Jun 2013 02:50:04 -0700 (PDT), "His Highness the Wise
In article
Higness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher"
On 03/06/2013 01:23, His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble
On Jun 2, 3:44 pm, "His Higness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble
Melodies like that must be heard in Hell all the time. But I think
Bach is played sometimes.
Hell sounds like such a happy place.
What the Hell, we may as well check it out.
Everyone knows theDevilhas the best tunes.
And you can sell your soul to him (and get it back if you have Daniel
Webster as your lawyer).Godjust makes threats.
Satan simply pays better thanGod. Look what a bum Jesus was while the
Popes got it all.
Godand Jesus are both farsmarterthan theDevil. TheDevilwould still
be a arch angel if he had not had tried to take over heaven and take the
place ofGod. TheDevilthought he wassmarterthanGodbut he was wrong.
If there was noDevil, church attendance would be zip. He's their
P.R. agent. They'd be out of work without him.
Thanks to him they can look good!
His criminal record is very uncertain though.
But the charges! No one has been accused more often.
How could Geraldine have survived without theDevil?
They are trying to look better than theDevil, but notsmarterthan
their owngod.
Or maybe they look neither good norsmarter.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
It depends on how your interpret the MythologicalGodZeus this is
where man created the gods in their own image.The story goes Zues and
Isis had a boy child that inhierited supernatural abilities from his
father.Well old Zues knew that if he did not eat the boy child it
would grow strong and attempt to overthrow him.Now Isis did not want
Zues to eat her son so she fed Zues a rock wrapped in the babbies
blanket.She then wished hid her child away from Zues until the child
became strong and powerful and had a band of followers that thought if
they helped the SON beat the old man they would gain great rewards by
the way the son was named Iesus.After the battle Zues kicked his SON
out of heaven along with his band of fallen angels to dwell in the
Spell check shit #2 before I lose my audience.
So now you know the rest of the story Ie means from Isis an sus means
from Zeus, it is now spelled Jesus due to translation.
Well, the Greek gods weren't more effective than our Jesus, but at
least they were more fun and human.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
All religons are based on Greek mythology and astrology.
It seems all religions "borrow" from older religions, but monotheism
is the worst possible nightmare.
I believe that nature is becoming out of balance but not because of
over population but because the ruling elite are burning up the oil
and it is being replaced by heavy water.
Eventually there will be another Pole Shift and the system will start
all over again.
Well the overpopulation effect is multiplied when droughts and plagues
affect the crops (as it will surely be the case with climate change)
and then we'll have famines, war and more immigration to the rich
world, which is already burdened.

Then Jesus will appear out of the blue... ;)
His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
2013-06-09 21:21:21 UTC
Costantine not Charlamain plese excuse!
Then the Emperor or King has direct contact with "god."
Say I'm the ruler, then by accepting "god" he gives me his consent to
rule and whoever challenges me challenges god's will.
I think it's good deal. ;)
The "Devine right of Kings"
or....How they conned the suckers!
Then came the revolutions!
And they learned revolutions can be terrible or overtaken by cunning

Sometimes it took a world war or two before things really got better.
In other cases things degrade over a period of time, then corruption
takes over, to the point that the desperate masses are waiting for the
Barbarians or some heavenly character to show up.
His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
2013-06-11 15:13:18 UTC
(I've thought I'd add more drama with this title. Exciting
proposition: Good or Evil. Instead of "mostly good or mostly evil."
It's like in Hollywood movies: the Good Guys always win)

On Jun 10, 11:36 pm, Nickname unavailable
Conservatives: Always On The Wrong Side Of History
By Guest Writer
My friends over at Americans Against the Tea Party put it best when
they said, “What does it say about a movement whose brightest “stars”
are the dimmest bulbs?” It says, laugh at them, pity them, but if you
want to live in a modern nation of laws which evolves with the rest of
the globe, for Heaven’s sake, DON’T look to them for ideas on how to
operate a functioning society, since the only thing conservatives have
been successful at is proving that everything they stand for is wrong.
Let’s imagine this scenario: You have an uncle…a loud, opinionated,
uncle who’s thinly veiled racism and misogyny is only superseded by
his not-so-thinly veiled hatred of gays. He says he’s a Christian, but
never misses the opportunity to cheer for war and bloviate proudly
about how merciless he is. He fights anything that has a hint of
challenging his perceived position in the straight/white/male catbird
seat, even if that seat came from the fact that the Liberals he hates
fought for the Social Security, Medicare, etc. that allows him to live
in dignity. He regales you with factually incorrect tales of American
history, despite having never read a book in his life. He disdains
“intellectuals,” and perceives science as a “liberal plot.” For as far
back as you remember – and as far back as the family tree goes – he
has been wrong about everything.
Right. You know in the latest Time Magazine comes an article about the
Chicago Mayor, a DEMOCRAT, and how he's taking a TOUGH stand on crime
and failing schools, and guess, what both the LEFT and the RIGHT
attack him for what he's doing. He's NOT taking the easy path his
predecessors took --which got them reelected everytime-- but he says
he's doing whatever is necessary to fix Chicago.

It's similar to NYC, which has managed to clean up the city and create
a sophisticated lifestyle --you may say European-- and it may serve as
a metaphor for America. Again, the mayor --another DEMOCRAT-- is
attacked from the left and the right, which perhaps is the fate of
those who want to fix things up. Democracy is more than bullshit and
whatever people wants to hear.

Now I'd like to hear where the Conservatives has made at least a
similar effort, or all they do is retired behind the safety and
isolation of gated communities?

Well, wake up to reality, people can not live like that. It goes
against human nature.

But that's only my humble yet sophisticated opinion.
His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
2013-06-11 18:45:41 UTC
Post by His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
On Jun 10, 11:36 pm, Nickname unavailable
Conservatives: Always On The Wrong Side Of History
By Guest Writer
My friends over at Americans Against the Tea Party put it best when
they said, “What does it say about a movement whose brightest “stars”
are the dimmest bulbs?” It says, laugh at them, pity them, but if you
want to live in a modern nation of laws which evolves with the rest of
the globe, for Heaven’s sake, DON’T look to them for ideas on how to
operate a functioning society, since the only thing conservatives have
been successful at is proving that everything they stand for is wrong.
Let’s imagine this scenario: You have an uncle…a loud, opinionated,
uncle who’s thinly veiled racism and misogyny is only superseded by
his not-so-thinly veiled hatred of gays. He says he’s a Christian, but
never misses the opportunity to cheer for war and bloviate proudly
about how merciless he is. He fights anything that has a hint of
challenging his perceived position in the straight/white/male catbird
seat, even if that seat came from the fact that the Liberals he hates
fought for the Social Security, Medicare, etc. that allows him to live
in dignity. He regales you with factually incorrect tales of American
history, despite having never read a book in his life. He disdains
“intellectuals,” and perceives science as a “liberal plot.” For as far
back as you remember – and as far back as the family tree goes – he
has been wrong about everything.
Right. You know in the latest Time Magazine comes an article about the
Chicago Mayor, a DEMOCRAT, and how he's taking a TOUGH stand on crime
and failing schools, and guess, what both the LEFT and the RIGHT
attack him for what he's doing. He's NOT taking the easy path his
predecessors took --which got them reelected everytime-- but he says
he's doing whatever is necessary to fix Chicago.
It's similar to NYC, which has managed to clean up the city and create
a sophisticated lifestyle --you may say European-- and it may serve as
a metaphor for America. Again, the mayor --another DEMOCRAT-- is
attacked from the left and the right, which perhaps is the fate of
those who want to fix things up. Democracy is more than bullshit and
whatever people wants to hear.
Now I'd like to hear where the Conservatives has made at least a
similar effort, or all they do is retired behind the safety and
isolation of gated communities?
Well, wake up to reality, people can not live like that. It goes
against human nature.
Butt that's only my humble yet sophisticated opinion.
To the right of any left is a Conservative.
To the left of any on the right is Liberal.
You are both.
Figure it out.
There will always be those
who are to your left and right
as long as you think in terms of
there being left and right.
to be elected one kneads
a posit ion within the middle ground
sew as to be an Official.
Political solutions
tend to dissolve in water
as far as a notion goes.
An ocean waves.
Have a beer.
Enjoy the parade.
That's m'eye solution.
- cheers!
A beer, I like that idea!

I shall have a beer on my way back in my urban hiking adventure. I'm
overlooking the beach, I can take a plunge, no need to fight mad

And I carry 20 lbs on my backpack, so I'm ready for anything. But I
rather relax. I promise to ponder about the big questions, such as why
people hang on to the rat race. The SUV, the beachfront apartment are
not worth so much evil. People must come out and take a walk or ride a
bike in their communities, or else you only got gated communities.

Let's embrace revolution and have a beer!
His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
2013-06-11 19:36:14 UTC
"His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher"
Post by His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
I shall have a beer on my way back in my urban hiking adventure. I'm
overlooking the beach, I can take a plunge, no need to fight mad
In that case, YOU will be the smarter farter.
Right, but then I remember I must drive the car home!

Sadly it takes me some 3 miles to get this ideal place where to walk.
Anything beyond 1 mile I drive. Or never go at all!

Maybe a beer --only 1-- will do the trick.
His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
2013-06-11 19:59:04 UTC
On Jun 11, 3:36 pm, Nickname unavailable
On Jun 11, 1:38 pm, "His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble
On Jun 11, 12:39 pm, Nickname unavailable
On Jun 11, 9:49 am, "His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble
Post by His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
Right. You know in the latest Time Magazine comes an article about the
Chicago Mayor, a DEMOCRAT, and how he's taking a TOUGH stand on crime
and failing schools, and guess, what both the LEFT and the RIGHT
attack him for what he's doing. He's NOT taking the easy path his
predecessors took --which got them reelected everytime-- but he says
he's doing whatever is necessary to fix Chicago.
It's similar to NYC, which has managed to clean up the city and create
a sophisticated lifestyle --you may say European-- and it may serve as
a metaphor for America. Again, the mayor --another DEMOCRAT-- is
attacked from the left and the right, which perhaps is the fate of
those who want to fix things up. Democracy is more than bullshit and
whatever people wants to hear.
Now I'd like to hear where the Conservatives has made at least a
similar effort, or all they do is retired behind the safety and
isolation of gated communities?
Well, wake up to reality, people can not live like that. It goes
against human nature.
Butt that's only my humble yet sophisticated opinion.
 watch out for democrats who are neo-liberals.
I know, they are the worst kind.
 the mayor of chicago is one. and the inner city schools are a direct
result of neo-liberal economic polices. turkey is in revolt today
because of neo-liberalism.
Well, nothing's perfect --short of revolution.

We must deal with a guy that survives in a capitalist jungle or just
goes with the flow. We live in a neoliberal world. Even Cuba is

Northern European models are the best. You may say the combine the
best of both systems instead of the worst of both.
His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
2013-06-11 23:28:51 UTC
On Jun 11, 7:11 pm, Nickname unavailable
On Jun 11, 2:57 pm, "His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble
On Jun 11, 3:36 pm, Nickname unavailable
On Jun 11, 1:38 pm, "His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble
On Jun 11, 12:39 pm, Nickname unavailable
On Jun 11, 9:49 am, "His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble
Post by His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
Right. You know in the latest Time Magazine comes an article about the
Chicago Mayor, a DEMOCRAT, and how he's taking a TOUGH stand on crime
and failing schools, and guess, what both the LEFT and the RIGHT
attack him for what he's doing. He's NOT taking the easy path his
predecessors took --which got them reelected everytime-- but he says
he's doing whatever is necessary to fix Chicago.
It's similar to NYC, which has managed to clean up the city and create
a sophisticated lifestyle --you may say European-- and it may serve as
a metaphor for America. Again, the mayor --another DEMOCRAT-- is
attacked from the left and the right, which perhaps is the fate of
those who want to fix things up. Democracy is more than bullshit and
whatever people wants to hear.
Now I'd like to hear where the Conservatives has made at least a
similar effort, or all they do is retired behind the safety and
isolation of gated communities?
Well, wake up to reality, people can not live like that. It goes
against human nature.
Butt that's only my humble yet sophisticated opinion.
watch out for democrats who are neo-liberals.
I know, they are the worst kind.
the mayor of chicago is one. and the inner city schools are a direct
result of neo-liberal economic polices. turkey is in revolt today
because of neo-liberalism.
Well, nothing's perfect --short of revolution.
We must deal with a guy that survives in a capitalist jungle or just
goes with the flow. We live in a neoliberal world. Even Cuba is
Northern European models are the best. You may say the combine the
best of both systems instead of the worst of both.
regardless if its "CONSERVATIVE" economic policies, or neo-liberal
ones, they are almost identical, and always fail.
You are saying CAPITALISM is bound to fail, right? Well, it's
endangering the planet and its people but it provides a certain
happiness as measured in Scandinavia and maybe even France. In Holland
you have an option to pollute or not pollute. And France has this
efficient use of nuclear energy.

Do you have any country in mind that provides an option? But, of
course, we can do better than any other country with the
revolution. ;)
Free Lunch
2013-06-11 23:38:01 UTC
On Tue, 11 Jun 2013 16:28:51 -0700 (PDT), "His Highness the Wise
Post by His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
On Jun 11, 7:11 pm, Nickname unavailable
On Jun 11, 2:57 pm, "His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble
On Jun 11, 3:36 pm, Nickname unavailable
On Jun 11, 1:38 pm, "His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble
On Jun 11, 12:39 pm, Nickname unavailable
On Jun 11, 9:49 am, "His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble
Post by His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
Right. You know in the latest Time Magazine comes an article about the
Chicago Mayor, a DEMOCRAT, and how he's taking a TOUGH stand on crime
and failing schools, and guess, what both the LEFT and the RIGHT
attack him for what he's doing. He's NOT taking the easy path his
predecessors took --which got them reelected everytime-- but he says
he's doing whatever is necessary to fix Chicago.
It's similar to NYC, which has managed to clean up the city and create
a sophisticated lifestyle --you may say European-- and it may serve as
a metaphor for America. Again, the mayor --another DEMOCRAT-- is
attacked from the left and the right, which perhaps is the fate of
those who want to fix things up. Democracy is more than bullshit and
whatever people wants to hear.
Now I'd like to hear where the Conservatives has made at least a
similar effort, or all they do is retired behind the safety and
isolation of gated communities?
Well, wake up to reality, people can not live like that. It goes
against human nature.
Butt that's only my humble yet sophisticated opinion.
watch out for democrats who are neo-liberals.
I know, they are the worst kind.
the mayor of chicago is one. and the inner city schools are a direct
result of neo-liberal economic polices. turkey is in revolt today
because of neo-liberalism.
Well, nothing's perfect --short of revolution.
We must deal with a guy that survives in a capitalist jungle or just
goes with the flow. We live in a neoliberal world. Even Cuba is
Northern European models are the best. You may say the combine the
best of both systems instead of the worst of both.
regardless if its "CONSERVATIVE" economic policies, or neo-liberal
ones, they are almost identical, and always fail.
You are saying CAPITALISM is bound to fail, right? Well, it's
endangering the planet and its people but it provides a certain
happiness as measured in Scandinavia and maybe even France. In Holland
you have an option to pollute or not pollute. And France has this
efficient use of nuclear energy.
Those countries have strong social safety nets and keep their
corporations under control.
Post by His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
Do you have any country in mind that provides an option? But, of
course, we can do better than any other country with the
revolution. ;)
His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
2013-06-12 23:04:54 UTC
Post by Free Lunch
On Tue, 11 Jun 2013 16:28:51 -0700 (PDT), "His Highness the Wise
Post by His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
On Jun 11, 7:11 pm, Nickname unavailable
On Jun 11, 2:57 pm, "His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble
On Jun 11, 3:36 pm, Nickname unavailable
On Jun 11, 1:38 pm, "His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble
On Jun 11, 12:39 pm, Nickname unavailable
On Jun 11, 9:49 am, "His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble
Post by His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
Right. You know in the latest Time Magazine comes an article about the
Chicago Mayor, a DEMOCRAT, and how he's taking a TOUGH stand on crime
and failing schools, and guess, what both the LEFT and the RIGHT
attack him for what he's doing. He's NOT taking the easy path his
predecessors took --which got them reelected everytime-- but he says
he's doing whatever is necessary to fix Chicago.
It's similar to NYC, which has managed to clean up the city and create
a sophisticated lifestyle --you may say European-- and it may serve as
a metaphor for America. Again, the mayor --another DEMOCRAT-- is
attacked from the left and the right, which perhaps is the fate of
those who want to fix things up. Democracy is more than bullshit and
whatever people wants to hear.
Now I'd like to hear where the Conservatives has made at least a
similar effort, or all they do is retired behind the safety and
isolation of gated communities?
Well, wake up to reality, people can not live like that. It goes
against human nature.
Butt that's only my humble yet sophisticated opinion.
 watch out for democrats who are neo-liberals.
I know, they are the worst kind.
 the mayor of chicago is one. and the inner city schools are a direct
result of neo-liberal economic polices. turkey is in revolt today
because of neo-liberalism.
Well, nothing's perfect --short of revolution.
We must deal with a guy that survives in a capitalist jungle or just
goes with the flow. We live in a neoliberal world. Even Cuba is
Northern European models are the best. You may say the combine the
best of both systems instead of the worst of both.
 regardless if its "CONSERVATIVE" economic policies, or neo-liberal
ones, they are almost identical, and always fail.
You are saying CAPITALISM is bound to fail, right? Well, it's
endangering the planet and its people but it provides a certain
happiness as measured in Scandinavia and maybe even France. In Holland
you have an option to pollute or not pollute. And France has this
efficient use of nuclear energy.
Those countries have strong social safety nets and keep their
corporations under control.
True, they have the lion in the cage, so to speak.

Here everything is about money. And politics, nothing will get done
because gas too cheap and it promotes waste and the "inalienable
right" to drive a car --the bigger the better.
His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
2013-06-13 15:28:06 UTC
On Jun 11, 1:05 pm, BeamMeUpScotty
On Tue, 11 Jun 2013 08:01:52 -0700 (PDT), "His Highness the Wise
Post by His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
Right. You know in the latest Time Magazine comes an article about the
Chicago Mayor, a DEMOCRAT, and how he's taking a TOUGH stand on crime
and failing schools, and guess, what both the LEFT and the RIGHT
attack him for what he's doing. He's NOT taking the easy path his
predecessors took --which got them reelected everytime-- but he says
he's doing whatever is necessary to fix Chicago.
And we know Chicago needs to be fixed, the question is who created its
failed system in the first place?
Chicago has been run by the Democrat machine for as long as I have
been alive. Now the democrat matching (after 60 years of corruption
is going to "fix" it? )
Exactly, that's the point. A hardcore democrat is coming to town with
the determination to change things. It's not what wins votes but it's
what can make Chicago a liveable city like NYC.
HHHAhahahahahahahaaaaa.... that's funny.
Well, letting things fall apart would be sad. All the "rust belt" is

Our beloved elites sent the jobs to China and now they are gathering
rust, so to speak. NYC city though --being a liberal bastion-- did
something smart:

Loading Image...

They made the old decaying city liveable again. Of course, the
conservatives would never do something like that because they hate
people. Right?
Post by His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
It's similar to NYC, which has managed to clean up the city and create
Another Liberal bastion of corruption....
MORE Gun control will fix them both won't it?
And you forget frisking. Guess what, crime is way down. I know the
extreme left and right are bitching about it, but people are happy.
I'd say they are even more happy now with the bike sharing program.
Notice NO PUBLIC MONEY! Everybody happy, right?

I wonder if the Right has ever put together a similar Utopia. Well,
they are not friendly, but you know, whatever Utopia. Gated

His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
2013-06-13 22:35:22 UTC
On Jun 13, 4:29 pm, "His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble
On Jun 13, 12:33 pm, "His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble
Hawking says: "Philosophy is dead."
do you agree or disagree?
[ some thinking background music to aid contemplation. ]

Beautiful music.
No, philosophy is NOT dead.
I think, therefore I am.
Philosophy is alive and well.
Hey, wait a minute, dogs are alive and well and yet they don't think. Or so we think.
Of course dogs think.
Dogs probably think more than most humans.
I don't know. They may be smarter than many humans because they follow
their COMMON SENSE, but as far as abstract thinking, I don't know.
Notice d-o-g and g-o-d.
Yeah, I believe in dogs, but not god.
Dogs are humans' best friend.
And contrary to what capitalism preaches and practices, dogs don't
live in a dog-eat-dog world.
They rather like to play and lick each other.
I'm not sure where you're going here.
Well, I'm just saying that the dog-eat-dog is neither practical nor
based on fact.

Part of human nature is socialization and play. Then a new philosophy
is needed to replace the myth. Do we include the elites in the new
philosophy? Perhaps they believe in a dog-eat-dog world.

And guess what, they are our masters.
His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
2013-06-14 15:08:39 UTC
Oh common, we know they are created by the system to support itself.
I don't know who you include
when you say we.
Sorry, "my dogs and I." They add a dimension of reality to my
thinking. The old maxim "I think therefore I am" is debunked. The dogs
are just happy playing. That's why the purpose of life is to have fun
and philosophize because we are not dogs. Notice I say "dogs" because
a dog alone doesn't have any meaning. They are a social species just
like us. (Monks are being called into question.)

Monkeys are playful too so I got my metaphor right.
To see the System or Environment
as being the Creator of all within it
can be a view of sorts.
Well, that's what schooling is all about: Replicate human beings
capable of working "within" the system. Any question is out.
The philosopher must be independent and not corrupt.
A PhD in Economics or Politics is a type of PhD.
A PhD in Philosophy would be something else.
If Siddhartha Buddha were given a PhD,
if Epicurus were given a PhD, then
perhaps they would have been
involved in the System.
And we wouldn't have a wise man.
Exactly what is meant
by being independent and not corrupt
might be of some interest in terms of philosophy.
I'd never take advice or listen to a man who lives in luxury. Is that
why the Buddha gave up his palace and his title?

Don't get me wrong, Prince Charles is a nice man dedicated to his
organic garden. The problem is the capitalist pig.
His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
2013-06-14 16:16:55 UTC
On Jun 13, 4:29 pm, "His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble
On Jun 13, 12:33 pm, "His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble
Hawking says: "Philosophy is dead."
do you agree or disagree?
[ some thinking background music to aid contemplation. ]
Beautiful music.
No, philosophy is NOT dead.
I think, therefore I am.
Philosophy is alive and well.
Hey, wait a minute, dogs are alive and well and yet they don't think. Or so we think.
Of course dogs think.
Dogs probably think more than most humans.
I don't know. They may be smarter than many humans because they follow
their COMMON SENSE, but as far as abstract thinking, I don't know.
Notice d-o-g and g-o-d.
Yeah, I believe in dogs, but not god.
Dogs are humans' best friend.
And contrary to what capitalism preaches and practices, dogs don't
live in a dog-eat-dog world.
They rather like to play and lick each other.
Why the dogs must be happy with the food I feed them?

Is it quality or price? To be honest I look for both. No artificial
coloring is needed.

Are our masters aware of our needs? Deep, deep question.
His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
2013-06-14 20:07:00 UTC
You fool. you are replying to yourself with different nicknames here. Fuck
off here. You should know common sense told you that you are not welcome in
soc culture groups here as they dislike you of your 116 usernames and your
posts are not welcome here. Go back to your Cambodia and get fuck there.
No matter what you country is, no matter what your pedigree is (if you
are a dog), we all have an issue with the master. I'm a revolutionary

Imagine we are all fed this food loaded with sugar and we don't even
have a chance to roam free and burn those calories. Yes, the very act
of walking or riding a bike becomes a revolutionary act, so we got
nothing to lose but our chain.

Anyway when our masters hear this, we may be able to get better food.

His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
2013-06-15 02:11:30 UTC
On Jun 14, 8:47 pm, "His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble
Post by His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
I'd never take advice or listen to a man who lives in luxury. Is that
why the Buddha gave up his palace and his title?
The impression I got
was that his father sheltered him,
having heard the prophecy about him.
The father's plan worked
until Siddhartha managed to go
outside the castle grounds.
Maybe you know the rest of the story.
But I don't know how can you bring enlightenment to the people without
One interesting issue is what enlightenment should include. I think it
must include:

1- FRUGALITY --never scarcity,

2- SPACE --to walk or ride a bike,

3- GOOD FOOD --tax junk and subsidize healthy food,

4- GREEN AREAS --no trash lying all over the place,

5- SAFETY --nobody should live in fear to come out.

Spirituality is also part of any solution, not to be confused with
His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
2013-06-15 15:18:47 UTC
Why write anything in the message body when you can put everything you want to
utter in the subject line?
‘When he woke up, the dinosaur was still there’

That's the subject AND the whole story...

‘When he woke up, the dinosaur was still there’


That's a story by a Latin-American award-winning writer know for his
"animal stories." Why do you need to say more? The dinosaur was still
there! What a genius!

I think we know what he means, right? That stupid dinosaur won't go
away! This is certainly a subject for philosophers.


