His Highness the TibetanMonkey, the Beach Cruiser Philosopher
2012-01-25 19:18:06 UTC
How desperate would you have to be to set yourself on fire?
You can help the situation in Tibet. By sharing this story with ten friends you will raise awareness and demand that the world
take notice!
Since 2008 the situation inside Tibet has gotten more repressive. Religious freedoms have been further restricted and we
know Tibetans are feeling more and more desperate to draw the world’s attention to the Chinese repression inside Tibet. In
their homeland, Tibetans face political repression, forced cultural assimilation, economic marginalization and environmental
destruction. This has pushed some Tibetans to the brink.
Since February of 2009, 17 young Tibetans have set themselves on fire as a means of protesting without harming others.
Please help us let Tibetans know we’ve heard them and we’re spreading the news far and wide.
We can turn the Tibetans away from terrible self-sacrifice to a more hopeful future if we have the world’s attention drawn
to Tibet.
Help us shine the light of truth into Tibet today.
You must be desperate as to jump from a bridge.You can help the situation in Tibet. By sharing this story with ten friends you will raise awareness and demand that the world
take notice!
Since 2008 the situation inside Tibet has gotten more repressive. Religious freedoms have been further restricted and we
know Tibetans are feeling more and more desperate to draw the world’s attention to the Chinese repression inside Tibet. In
their homeland, Tibetans face political repression, forced cultural assimilation, economic marginalization and environmental
destruction. This has pushed some Tibetans to the brink.
Since February of 2009, 17 young Tibetans have set themselves on fire as a means of protesting without harming others.
Please help us let Tibetans know we’ve heard them and we’re spreading the news far and wide.
We can turn the Tibetans away from terrible self-sacrifice to a more hopeful future if we have the world’s attention drawn
to Tibet.
Help us shine the light of truth into Tibet today.
I'm about to jump from one because I can't squeeze with my bike while
the cars enjoy the lion's share of the road. I want to end all the
grinding and humiliation that goes with riding a bike.
Well, I'm avoiding those bridges just not to be tempted again. One
issue is that it may not kill me and I may be able to swim away. I
think the "Seven Mile Bridge" to Key West is perfect.