Cops ambushing speeders may be a thing of the past
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His Highness the TibetanMonkey, the Beach Cruiser Philosopher
2011-05-25 21:44:33 UTC
Those cops ambushing speeders may be a thing of the past, just as the
Keystone Cops...

Notice all the "wisdom of the jungle" that went into this...

"If you've ever been pulled over for speeding, you know it feels like
you're a gazelle that just got taken down by a lion.

And, while this recession, and the gaping budget holes that resulted,
have turned most cities into a jungle for motorists, there are some
cities that have far more speed traps than others. And automated
traffic cams have only egged them on. Now, they can snag just as many
motorists for speeding, if not more, with less manpower."


But we are not gazelles. We are more like monkeys --pardon the
metaphor-- able to use our brain to avoid being lunch for lions.
Automatic speed cameras would mean something like, "Slow down,
monkey!" ;)


His Highness the TibetanMonkey, the Beach Cruiser Philosopher
2011-05-26 13:35:50 UTC
On May 26, 7:55 am, "His Highness the TibetanMonkey, the Beach Cruiser
Speeders are killers and psychopaths and all decent americans want
them caught. If they pay a fine, great. Criminals should be punished
and only criminal coddlers like you want them left alone.
Speed limits have more to do with revenue than safety.
Speed limits in city streets have to do with safety and communities
not living in fear (like mine). Speed limits on certain highways *on
the passing lane* (once people know what it means) are unnecessary.
All this is consistent with the German system.
We already did, it's called the "Interstate Highway System" (more
correctly, the "Dwight D. Eisenhower National System of Interstate and
Defense Highways")
That's right, but it lacks the German engineering and discipline.
Enforcement and good engineering can accomplish that.
1- 100 miles top speed, (do we need to go faster?)
2- Not open to SUVs, which are limited to 70mph,
Not sure I necessarily agree with those. Not that I would likely
drive >100 MPH (or really, for that matter, too much >70 MPH in my
pickemup truck - it runs out of both power and driver comfort around
75ish) but those seem to be arbitrary limitations similar to the
double nickel, only at a higher speed.
Some newer, heavier SUVs go way faster than that. I wonder how the
Autobahn handles those monsters --if any out there.
3- Strict enforcement of passing lane, (cameras in place)
Oh hells yes.
The enforcement of speeding is prevalent because it's the easier to
do. It's like DUI, you are over the limit or you don't.
4- Special certification of car and license,
Simply requiring the same level of competence to get a license as is
currently required in Germany woud be fine as well.
5- No phone or gadgets on highway...
Many states already have a hands-free law in place... I don't think
the business climate in the US will allow a "no talking at all while
driving" law. I know for me personally that would be a huge
impediment to being able to perform my job. If it's the law and
everyone is complying with it that would be OK, but the temptation to
cheat in the interest of obtaining a competitive advantage is too
great to make a complete ban enforceable IMHO.
We have to do like Adam & Eve... FIGHT TEMPTATION all the time! ;)

We can ask the highly productive Germans how they manage.
His Highness the TibetanMonkey, the Beach Cruiser Philosopher
2011-05-26 20:04:53 UTC
On May 26, 3:49 pm, "His Highness the TibetanMonkey, the Beach Cruiser
On May 26, 6:29 am, "His Highness the TibetanMonkey, the Beach Cruiser
Post by His Highness the TibetanMonkey, the Beach Cruiser Philosopher
Some newer, heavier SUVs go way faster than that. I wonder how the
Autobahn handles those monsters --if any out there.
Can't speak for today but back in the 60s (spent 6 years over there)
the traffic mix was very fast vehicles down to things that could
barely get out of their own way. How do they handle it? Very strict
traffic discipline that _everybody_ (with few exceptions) observes.
And no "reasonable rate" passers. Pass and get it done quickly. None of
this BS about how the person who caught up is wrong, the person blocking
is in the wrong for not getting the pass done before other traffic
reached him.
Exactly, no one playing vigilante.
Memory fades - tried to recall what the truck traffic was like and I
can't say yay or nay if they were allowed on the 'bahns.
I saw SUVs on the autobahn.
SUVs as in Mercedes (not the square one but the fancy one) or as in
Supersized Unnecessary Vehicles?
Even a Mercedes SUV, what's the reasonable speed 80mph? A supersized
one would cause catastrophic damage if out of control.
I think I can relate to this:

"I ride my bicycle to work every day, that keeps me healty, fit and
it's great fun, still I enjoy driving fast on the Autobahn, if

His Highness the TibetanMonkey, the Beach Cruiser Philosopher
2011-05-27 13:56:35 UTC
This ain't Germany, for sure...

At least the camera doesn't humiliate and intimidate you. But some out
there who are afraid of speed cameras are into S&M. ;)

It never occurred to them that they should question the speed limits
themselves, which are after all the way the lion eats them for no good
reason. Hey, I'm talking about highway, not city streets. Communities
need more pacification.

Well, I'm a hunter after all.
