How dare anyone deny our bipedal condition?
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His Highness the TibetanMonkey, the Beach Cruiser Philosopher
2011-03-29 14:37:34 UTC
I don't want to pick on the Christians or any religious person, but
they would be the first ones to ask, "bi-what"? Nowhere in the
Biblical mythology is the bipedal condition --the fact of walking on
two feet-- given any consideration, so it is assumed that we were made
this way by God.

Actually, I'm watching this Nova series, "Becoming Human," and they
point out that BIPEDALISM was the first thing that separated us from
the monkey in the trees. It was an adaption to a changing environment
where the jungles were dwindling. And guess the main reason... SAVING
ENERGY! Bipedalism is so much more efficient than walking "on all

Extrapolate that 6 million years to the present, and you will notice
that bipedalism is being denied before a changing environment --aka
Climate Change, which the religious also dismiss as a conspiracy. We
drive a car --the bigger the better, to signal high status-- and the
mundane bipedal is nowhere to be found in our deserted cities. Then
the wheel is also denied when we try to be bipedal on a bike. Notice,
the bicycle has two pedals AND it saves energy. It couldn't be a
coincidence, right?

So it is that the Homo Sapiens Sapiens is kept in the cage unable to
roam free. Remember these words from the Wise TibetanMonkey,
"Evolution or Revolution!"

Just grab a banana and some peanuts and go out to shake off that
belly. You will see the world differently and may find the true Wisdom
of the Jungle. Revolutions for the Planet.

Check it out for yourself...

"ADAPT OR DIE!"... it's an immutable law of nature.



His Highness the TibetanMonkey, the Beach Cruiser Philosopher
2011-03-29 16:30:13 UTC
Post by His Highness the TibetanMonkey, the Beach Cruiser Philosopher
I don't want to pick on the Christians or any religious person, but
they would be the first ones to ask, "bi-what"? Nowhere in the
Biblical mythology is the bipedal condition --the fact of walking on
two feet-- given any consideration, so it is assumed that we were made
this way by God.
Actually, I'm watching this Nova series, "Becoming Human," and they
point out that BIPEDALISM was the first thing that separated us from
the monkey in the trees. It was an adaption to a changing environment
where the jungles were dwindling. And guess the main reason... SAVING
ENERGY! Bipedalism is so much more efficient than walking "on all
Extrapolate that 6 million years to the present, and you will notice
that bipedalism is being denied before a changing environment --aka
Climate Change, which the religious also dismiss as a conspiracy. We
drive a car --the bigger the better, to signal high status-- and the
mundane bipedal is nowhere to be found in our deserted cities. Then
the wheel is also denied when we try to be bipedal on a bike. Notice,
the bicycle has two pedals AND it saves energy. It couldn't be a
coincidence, right?
So it is that the Homo Sapiens Sapiens is kept in the cage unable to
roam free. Remember these words from the Wise TibetanMonkey,
"Evolution or Revolution!"
Just grab a banana and some peanuts and go out to shake off that
belly. You will see the world differently and may find the true Wisdom
of the Jungle. Revolutions for the Planet.
Check it out for yourself...
"ADAPT OR DIE!"... it's an immutable law of nature.
Yea, bikes are COOL - I ride one to work!
Keep it up, girl!

You are a heroine if you ride among the aggressive drivers. We are
trying to tame the beast, you know.

You think this could be a good symbol for the revolution...


Beach cruisers are like Tantra, the longer the ride the better. ;)