On Jan 7, 9:36 am, "TibetanMonkey, the Beach Cruiser Philosopher"
Post by His Highness the TibetanMonkey, the Beach Cruiser PhilosopherWho knows what's going on at those high levels of diplomacy, but what
I want to know is that the Dutch people think about our polluting
ways. Or they don't believe in Global Warming either?
OK, monkey, listen up.
Are you familiar with the concept of "obrigkeit?"
Obrigkeit is a German word which means far more than just "authority,"
it implies
an *acceptance* of the traditional hierarchies of the church, royalty
and the feudal nobility.
The feudal nobility were he ones who set up international trade and
businesses abroad and made Indonesia part of the Dutch empire.
After the European revolutions of the late 1840's, the people still
remained beholden to the upper class. They knew who still owned the
land and means of production. They knew who their bosses were. They
knew not to bite the hand that fed them.
Even though western Europe is definitely socialist, the older
structures are still in place. An employed Dutchman knows where his
living come from, and if the wealth of the country comes from North
Sea and Indonesian oil drilling, do you think he's going to carry
protest signs in front of Royal Dutch Petroleum's offices or throw
molotov cocktails at police cars?
Oh no, they do something better: RIDE A BIKE! It doesn't get better or
more civilized than that. Don't feed the beast and that's it.
Anyway, let me chain the two replies in one shot...
I couldn't care less what the Dutch think. Remember "Greenland"? It was
green b4 people began using fossil fuels and, duh-oh, it's goning to get
green again. That'll shut down the "conveyer" and start the next cold cycle
... and around we go again.
You are challenging here not only common sense, but the best
scientific minds. CLIMATE CHANGE and DEPLETION/POLLUTION of resources
(such as wood and water) will turn this planet into a place fit for
rats. If you want to know what that is like, just look at Easter
Island in the past.
How easy it would be just to implement some of the mechanisms the
Dutch themselves have put into practice, particularly riding
Why an environmental policy?
A clean environment fulfills many functions for us, and we seek to
continue to utilise these functions in a sustainable manner. It
provides the water we drink, the air we breathe, and succours the
crops we eat. A clean environment allows us to live safely in green
surroundings. In short, a clean environment is not an end in itself,
but rather an essential prerequisite for ensuring the Netherlands is a
fit and attractive country in which to live, work and pursue
It doesn't have to be bicycles though. It could Neighborhood Electric
Vehicles, but we are simply TERRORIZED to use them...
Nice and open vehicles. Quiet and frugal. You know what I see at my
local supermarket? Big terrorific trucks to satisfy their owners' ego.
Where's the jungle? Who's that, King Kong?
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Gee, there's a new King in town...
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What is a monkey looking for fun to do? Oh well, I can ride my monkey
bike and challenge myself on sidewalks. I pity not pedestrians. They
are part of the Machine too. Maybe they don't mean to be, but they
just are. They vote and feed the political machine that has little to
do with quality of life or giving LIVING SPACE to pedestrians and
cyclists. We are just an accident waiting to happen. Good thing we got
a Jewish lawyer willing to take our case. And the doctor too. That's
when you know you got some value.
Why are the pedestrians waiting to kick us out of their turf? In some
rich neighborhood around here that's they do. They are not waiting for
bike facilities or nothing. Only dogs are OK on sidewalks. This is a
funny world --from a monkey standpoint.