His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
2013-05-18 15:48:38 UTC
In article
"His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher"
the benefit of the reader. Yes, it's all for the reader. That's not
the average idiot who watches the Fox news. It's a discerning,
cultured, unbiased, enlightenedbeingwho can say I'm right.
15 Depressing Facts About The Coming Water Crisis
"America must spend $255 billion in the next five years to prevent
deterioration of water infrastructure. We plan to spend half that
This article is three years old, so actual links to the facts don't
exist anymore. Sorry. This may come as a surprise to you, but proof
requires data and facts.
Of the data which still exists, it appears that by 2050 or so there are
relatively few populations which will have physical shortages of water.
Some might.
Clearly there's no crisis coming to the Northern Hemisphere.
I understand, fuck the South. The problem is the South will emigrate"His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher"
In the end, you're merely repeating something you thought you heard. A
dreary fantasy you use to excuse yourself from judgement.
You think resources /should/ be running out; that the earth is
dangerously overcrowded and mankind is doomed to disaster, so it
therefore /must/ be so.
Okay, I'm game. My fantasies aren't hardened. I'm willing to learn. Show
me your proof.
OK, I shall proceed to provide proof while trimming this long post fordreary fantasy you use to excuse yourself from judgement.
You think resources /should/ be running out; that the earth is
dangerously overcrowded and mankind is doomed to disaster, so it
therefore /must/ be so.
Okay, I'm game. My fantasies aren't hardened. I'm willing to learn. Show
me your proof.
the benefit of the reader. Yes, it's all for the reader. That's not
the average idiot who watches the Fox news. It's a discerning,
cultured, unbiased, enlightenedbeingwho can say I'm right.
15 Depressing Facts About The Coming Water Crisis
"America must spend $255 billion in the next five years to prevent
deterioration of water infrastructure. We plan to spend half that
exist anymore. Sorry. This may come as a surprise to you, but proof
requires data and facts.
Of the data which still exists, it appears that by 2050 or so there are
relatively few populations which will have physical shortages of water.
Some might.
Clearly there's no crisis coming to the Northern Hemisphere.
to the North as the shortages and war ravage the land. The North
already has a crisis with immigration so you go and figure.
Perhaps you'll agree with me that a REVOLUTION is necessary for the
South. Nothing like Chavez, just something smart that uses PREVENTION
as the first strategy. Actually we may use some of the water
technologies put in place by Israel. They collect the rain and make
the kibbutz bloom in the desert. Or is it something you only want for
The largest groups to be effected (mostly sometime in the future) are
comprised of the basket-case dictators and central planners (Central
Africa, Southern Asia, Peru and Bolivia) which threaten to further
damage their internal economies to the point they can no longer afford
water infrastructures necessary to sustain their citizenry.
Water isn't free, nor has it generally been free throughout much of
man's history.
Brazil is not a dictatorship and it accounts for the mostcomprised of the basket-case dictators and central planners (Central
Africa, Southern Asia, Peru and Bolivia) which threaten to further
damage their internal economies to the point they can no longer afford
water infrastructures necessary to sustain their citizenry.
Water isn't free, nor has it generally been free throughout much of
man's history.
deforestation in the world. If America is falling short in planning
imagine the South.
These projected shortages aren't really so much a function of population
as tragic incompetence.
And CORRUPTION, such as here in Miami Beach. That's even more sad thanas tragic incompetence.
incompetence. Everybody trying to make a buck without concern for the
world. The predator only cares about himself and his family. They
steal a few million bucks in Brazil and then come here. Then they mix
with the Jews, the Cubans, the Venezuelans, and everybody else, and
make this fortress called Millionaire's Row their first row
accommodation to look at the ocean. Waiting, for the next big
hurricane to hit the area. Yes, it's coming.
Physical water shortages in places like North Africa and the Middle East
can come as no surprise to anyone, since water shortages have been
occurring there since the days of Alexander the Great.
As stated in an earlier post: bringing the fruits of industrialism (such
as sophisticated medical care, disease prevention and cheap food) to
unindustrialized cultures and societies is a recipe for disaster.
I think bringing Western Culture to Africa is a disaster as a whole.can come as no surprise to anyone, since water shortages have been
occurring there since the days of Alexander the Great.
As stated in an earlier post: bringing the fruits of industrialism (such
as sophisticated medical care, disease prevention and cheap food) to
unindustrialized cultures and societies is a recipe for disaster.
They are OK without Jesus and cars.
But a necessary disaster, if things are ever going to get better.
Yeah, a necessary disaster. Was the Holocaust necessary?Perhaps it was for the birth of the State of Israel. Everything has a
positive side. In a twist of fate, they owe a lot to Hitler.
Oh gee, we are deep shit! They are rather pouring money down the drain
in "beautifying cities" with wild grass. It took a lot of labor and
inconvenience to create those corner triangles where the grass grows
wild and the water gets stuck and breeds mosquitoes.
Waa?in "beautifying cities" with wild grass. It took a lot of labor and
inconvenience to create those corner triangles where the grass grows
wild and the water gets stuck and breeds mosquitoes.
But water, there's little plan for clean water.
Why would you claim that? The article you linked to paints a decidedlydifferent picture. There is much planning for improving water supplies
and infrastructure evident. $Billions and $billions arebeingspent all
over the world, according to your source. These organizations, providing
the information and data for the article, just don't think it's /enough/.
"A shortage of water resources could spell increased conflicts in the
future. Population growth will make the problem worse. So will climate
change. As the global economy grows, so will its thirst. Many more
conflicts lie just over the horizon." -- Ban Ki-Moon
Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/15-facts-about-the-coming-water-crisis-2010-3?op=1#ixzz2TeuXGoGG