The Water Crisis
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His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
2013-05-18 15:48:38 UTC
In article
"His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher"
In the end, you're merely repeating something you thought you heard. A
dreary fantasy you use to excuse yourself from judgement.
You think resources /should/ be running out; that the earth is
dangerously overcrowded and mankind is doomed to disaster, so it
therefore /must/ be so.
Okay, I'm game. My fantasies aren't hardened. I'm willing to learn. Show
me your proof.
OK, I shall proceed to provide proof while trimming this long post for
the benefit of the reader. Yes, it's all for the reader. That's not
the average idiot who watches the Fox news. It's a discerning,
cultured, unbiased, enlightenedbeingwho can say I'm right.
15 Depressing Facts About The Coming Water Crisis
"America must spend $255 billion in the next five years to prevent
deterioration of water infrastructure. We plan to spend half that
This article is three years old, so actual links to the facts don't
exist anymore. Sorry. This may come as a surprise to you, but proof
requires data and facts.
Of the data which still exists, it appears that by 2050 or so there are
relatively few populations which will have physical shortages of water.
Some might.
Clearly there's no crisis coming to the Northern Hemisphere.
I understand, fuck the South. The problem is the South will emigrate
to the North as the shortages and war ravage the land. The North
already has a crisis with immigration so you go and figure.

Perhaps you'll agree with me that a REVOLUTION is necessary for the
South. Nothing like Chavez, just something smart that uses PREVENTION
as the first strategy. Actually we may use some of the water
technologies put in place by Israel. They collect the rain and make
the kibbutz bloom in the desert. Or is it something you only want for
The largest groups to be effected (mostly sometime in the future) are
comprised of the basket-case dictators and central planners (Central
Africa, Southern Asia, Peru and Bolivia) which threaten to further
damage their internal economies to the point they can no longer afford
water infrastructures necessary to sustain their citizenry.
Water isn't free, nor has it generally been free throughout much of
man's history.
Brazil is not a dictatorship and it accounts for the most
deforestation in the world. If America is falling short in planning
imagine the South.
These projected shortages aren't really so much a function of population
as tragic incompetence.
And CORRUPTION, such as here in Miami Beach. That's even more sad than
incompetence. Everybody trying to make a buck without concern for the
world. The predator only cares about himself and his family. They
steal a few million bucks in Brazil and then come here. Then they mix
with the Jews, the Cubans, the Venezuelans, and everybody else, and
make this fortress called Millionaire's Row their first row
accommodation to look at the ocean. Waiting, for the next big
hurricane to hit the area. Yes, it's coming.
Physical water shortages in places like North Africa and the Middle East
can come as no surprise to anyone, since water shortages have been
occurring there since the days of Alexander the Great.
As stated in an earlier post: bringing the fruits of industrialism (such
as sophisticated medical care, disease prevention and cheap food) to
unindustrialized cultures and societies is a recipe for disaster.
I think bringing Western Culture to Africa is a disaster as a whole.
They are OK without Jesus and cars.
But a necessary disaster, if things are ever going to get better.
Yeah, a necessary disaster. Was the Holocaust necessary?

Perhaps it was for the birth of the State of Israel. Everything has a
positive side. In a twist of fate, they owe a lot to Hitler.
Oh gee, we are deep shit! They are rather pouring money down the drain
in "beautifying cities" with wild grass. It took a lot of labor and
inconvenience to create those corner triangles where the grass grows
wild and the water gets stuck and breeds mosquitoes.
But water, there's little plan for clean water.
Why would you claim that? The article you linked to paints a decidedly
different picture. There is much planning for improving water supplies
and infrastructure evident. $Billions and $billions arebeingspent all
over the world, according to your source. These organizations, providing
the information and data for the article, just don't think it's /enough/.
You must have missed this:

"A shortage of water resources could spell increased conflicts in the
future. Population growth will make the problem worse. So will climate
change. As the global economy grows, so will its thirst. Many more
conflicts lie just over the horizon." -- Ban Ki-Moon

Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/15-facts-about-the-coming-water-crisis-2010-3?op=1#ixzz2TeuXGoGG
His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
2013-05-19 16:28:35 UTC
On Sat, 18 May 2013 10:48:00 -0700, His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey,
Le 17/05/2013 02:54, His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble
Le 5/17/2013 1:01 AM, His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most
"They are not brethren, they are not underlings; they are other
nations, caught like ourselves in the net of life and time, fellow
prisoners of the splendor and travail of the Earth."
-- Henry Beston
Beautiful, just beautiful. Words to inspire the philosophers and
poets alike. Oh worms, creatures who bury themselves in the
ground, looking for happiness and meaning in life. They know
nothing of our deceiving world. They know nothing of Republican
and Democrat, Rich and Poor.
They don't know about the 1%. Lucky them.
"I think the point of this avenue of inquiry is to get people to
appreciate the lives of other living things with which we share
this Earth."
Yes, you may have your own views but nothing approaches the wisdom
of the worm.
"I think we consider too much the good luck of the early bird and
not enough the bad luck of the early worm."
-Franklin D. Roosevelt
Raising worms for protein results in something like one-fifth the
release of methane to the atmosphere, a good reason to switch to
cooking wormburgers and worm-tofu dishes. Worm farms may be a good
place to invest. The worm farm near where I live is looking for
just such investment, having proved its systems with the harvest of
15 tons of food grade worms this year. There are a growing number
of french chefs who are offering worm and insect creations at their
so the future is rosy for worms resulting in a cleaner, more
ecologically balanced world. Someone should tell J. Robbins about
this !
liaM (potential investors write me..)
That proposal has been adopted by the Revolutionary Committee in
Where are our creative leaders? Why is Africa waiting to join the
revolution? Why worms are not in the menu?
Africa is waiting in the wings. Zimbabwe farmers are cultivating
worms reaching 20 feet at maturity yet just melt in the mouth raw and
sliced thin. Worm tartar is sure to be a world changer.
if paris says it's hot maybe it will be.
Oh yes, Paris, London, New York always set the trend.
Funny, they all share a Bike Sharing Program now. Hope the rest of the
world catches up before it's too late.
for a tour de world we need more bridges...
Well, our bridges don't accommodate bikes and pedestrians. We need to
change that.

Perhaps our engineers are dumb or perhaps they are corrupt. It's not
the kind of engineering we want to take to Africa.
His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
2013-05-20 14:57:36 UTC
On May 19, 4:37 pm, BeamMeUpScotty
On 5/19/2013 3:38 PM, His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble
Post by His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
"A shortage of water resources could spell increased conflicts in the
future. Population growth will make the problem worse. So will climate
change. As the global economy grows, so will its thirst. Many more
conflicts lie just over the horizon." -- Ban Ki-Moon
Ban Ki-Moon is a bureaucrat. He's been a bureaucrat his whole life. He's
not an expert in natural resource exploitation, nor anything else.
A bureaucrat isn't expert at anything except protecting his own job.
From what I've seen, I'm not sure he could find his way to the UN
building in the morning without a driver and assistants.
Bureaucrats only know three things: how to create crises, pretend
they're managing them, and then how to perpetuate them into infinity.
So who would rely on to save the world, the rabbi?
Bureaucrats screw up the peace..... and never win a war.
So the scientists do say MAN MADE CLIMATE CHANGE IS A REALITY. Who's
supposed to stir the population into action?

They are OUR leaders, elected representatives who are looking out for

Or are you saying that the democratic process doesn't produce
politicians and bureaucrats that work for us? Are they a bunch of self-
serving individuals instead of the trusted public servants the
Republic was supposed to create?

Oh wait, democratic and Republican ways are technically different.
Maybe it would work if we had some sort of real democracy. My
community is full of shit and nobody gives a shit. Is someone
responsible for anything?
His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
2013-05-21 18:22:11 UTC
On May 21, 9:06 am, BeamMeUpScotty
On 5/20/2013 2:19 PM, His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble
On May 20, 1:09 pm, BeamMeUpScotty
On 5/20/2013 10:54 AM, His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble
Post by His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
On May 19, 4:37 pm, BeamMeUpScotty
On 5/19/2013 3:38 PM, His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble
Post by His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
"A shortage of water resources could spell increased conflicts in the
future. Population growth will make the problem worse. So will climate
change. As the global economy grows, so will its thirst. Many more
conflicts lie just over the horizon." -- Ban Ki-Moon
Ban Ki-Moon is a bureaucrat. He's been a bureaucrat his whole life. He's
not an expert in natural resource exploitation, nor anything else.
A bureaucrat isn't expert at anything except protecting his own job.
From what I've seen, I'm not sure he could find his way to the UN
building in the morning without a driver and assistants.
Bureaucrats only know three things: how to create crises, pretend
they're managing them, and then how to perpetuate them into infinity.
So who would rely on to save the world, the rabbi?
Bureaucrats screw up the peace.....    and never win a war.
So the scientists do say MAN MADE CLIMATE CHANGE IS A REALITY. Who's
supposed to stir the population into action?
What action, can you change the Weather?
Human Co2 is a trace amount "of what is a trace gas" in the atmosphere....
If the earth were so fragile, then every volcanic eruption above or
under the ocean that released as much or more Co2 as Humans do, would
have already push the planet into another Global Warming year after year.
Are you saying there were NO volcanoes at all leading up to and during
ice ages?
Wouldn't someone notice that every warming period in history coincides
to be within 100 years of a major volcanic eruption?
And that ice ages are devoid of volcanic eruption?
If humans added Co2, then the atmosphere must have expanded.....
correct, or the atmosphere would have to increase in pressure according
to the laws of physics.
No study confirms either one.... so where is all that extra gas we added
to the atmosphere.
Explain that.....
You may have to argue with the scientists who confirm man made climate
change. They are not hard to find. The overwhelming majority do.
I can't possibly explain why smoking give you lung cancer but it does.
CAUSE & EFFECT, you know.
If smoking causes cancer why doesn't every person that smokes have cancer?
The way I hear it, smoking increases the risk of you having cancer mybe
someday.....  NOT that Smoking its self caused cancer.
The doctors can't tell you that you are smoking, so you have cancer.
There may be a connection to smoking and some cancer in some people.
But to flatly say smoking causes cancer is NOT the truth.
The same as you are NOT going to die in a car accident because you don't
have a seat belt on..... the truth is that many/most people don't die by
not wearing a seat belt, in fact only 40,000 people die in cars and they
may be killed by actually wearing the seat belt, as easily as those NOT
wearing one, depending on the thousands of variables.
All the government and the doctors are doing is "playing the odds"  and
using the odds as an excuse to steal my individual RIGHTS, it violates
the constitution and my freedom.
#3.0.1 - Liberals seem to think "the only gun owners" with any rights
are the criminals.....
Hey, where's my freedom to ride a bicycle or a Neighborhood Electric
Vehicle? Why the big ones are favored over the little ones, which, by
the way, fall outside the "grid" that feeds the large corporations?
Where's my freedom to be off the grid?

As for tobacco, the Tobacco Free Florida grosses me out with
commercials that portray patients dying of cancer (but never the
dangers portrayed by SUVs):

His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
2013-05-21 18:30:15 UTC
On May 19, 9:29 am, "His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble
Post by His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
On Sat, 18 May 2013 10:48:00 -0700, His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey,
Le 17/05/2013 02:54, His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble
Le 5/17/2013 1:01 AM, His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most
"They are not brethren, they are not underlings; they are other
nations, caught like ourselves in the net of life and time, fellow
prisoners of the splendor and travail of the Earth."
-- Henry Beston
Beautiful, just beautiful. Words to inspire the philosophers and
poets alike. Oh worms, creatures who bury themselves in the
ground, looking for happiness and meaning in life. They know
nothing of our deceiving world. They know nothing of Republican
and Democrat, Rich and Poor.
They don't know about the 1%. Lucky them.
"I think the point of this avenue of inquiry is to get people to
appreciate the lives of other living things with which we share
this Earth."
Yes, you may have your own views but nothing approaches the wisdom
of the worm.
"I think we consider too much the good luck of the early bird and
not enough the bad luck of the early worm."
-Franklin D. Roosevelt
Raising worms for protein results in something like one-fifth the
release of methane to the atmosphere, a good reason to switch to
cooking wormburgers and worm-tofu dishes.  Worm farms may be a good
place to invest.  The worm farm near where I live is looking for
just such investment, having proved its systems with the harvest of
15 tons of food grade worms this year.  There are a growing number
of french chefs who are offering worm and insect creations at their
so the future is rosy for worms resulting in a cleaner, more
ecologically balanced world.  Someone should tell J. Robbins about
this !
liaM (potential investors write me..)
That proposal has been adopted by the Revolutionary Committee in
Where are our creative leaders? Why is Africa waiting to join the
revolution? Why worms are not in the menu?
Africa is waiting in the wings.  Zimbabwe farmers are cultivating
worms reaching 20 feet at maturity yet just melt in the mouth raw and
sliced thin.  Worm tartar is sure to be a world changer.
if paris says it's hot maybe it will be.
Oh yes, Paris, London, New York always set the trend.
Funny, they all share a Bike Sharing Program now. Hope the rest of the
world catches up before it's too late.
for a tour de world we need more bridges...
Well, our bridges don't accommodate bikes and pedestrians. We need to
change that.
Government doesn't want people walking on bridges.
So people are divided by bridges, not united. What an irony.
Post by His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
Perhaps our engineers are dumb or perhaps they are corrupt. It's not
the kind of engineering we want to take to Africa.
They are designed foe mass transportation of people, not for pleasure.
Nothing is designed for pleasure, particularly when it's free and
His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
2013-05-23 21:23:41 UTC
"His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher"
On May 21, 9:06 am, BeamMeUpScotty
On 5/20/2013 2:19 PM, His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble
On May 20, 1:09 pm, BeamMeUpScotty
On 5/20/2013 10:54 AM, His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble
Post by His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
On May 19, 4:37 pm, BeamMeUpScotty
On 5/19/2013 3:38 PM, His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble
Post by His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
"A shortage of water resources could spell increased conflicts in the
future. Population growth will make the problem worse. So will climate
change. As the global economy grows, so will its thirst. Many more
conflicts lie just over the horizon." -- Ban Ki-Moon
Ban Ki-Moon is a bureaucrat. He's been a bureaucrat his whole life. He's
not an expert in natural resource exploitation, nor anything else.
A bureaucrat isn't expert at anything except protecting his own job.
From what I've seen, I'm not sure he could find his way to the UN
building in the morning without a driver and assistants.
Bureaucrats only know three things: how to create crises, pretend
they're managing them, and then how to perpetuate them into infinity.
So who would rely on to save the world, the rabbi?
Bureaucrats screw up the peace..... and never win a war.
So the scientists do say MAN MADE CLIMATE CHANGE IS A REALITY. Who's
supposed to stir the population into action?
What action, can you change the Weather?
Human Co2 is a trace amount "of what is a trace gas" in the atmosphere....
If the earth were so fragile, then every volcanic eruption above or
under the ocean that released as much or more Co2 as Humans do, would
have already push the planet into another Global Warming year after year.
Are you saying there were NO volcanoes at all leading up to and during
ice ages?
Wouldn't someone notice that every warming period in history coincides
to be within 100 years of a major volcanic eruption?
And that ice ages are devoid of volcanic eruption?
If humans added Co2, then the atmosphere must have expanded.....
correct, or the atmosphere would have to increase in pressure according
to the laws of physics.
No study confirms either one.... so where is all that extra gas we added
to the atmosphere.
Explain that.....
You may have to argue with the scientists who confirm man made climate
change. They are not hard to find. The overwhelming majority do.
I can't possibly explain why smoking give you lung cancer but it does.
CAUSE & EFFECT, you know.
If smoking causes cancer why doesn't every person that smokes have cancer?
The way I hear it, smoking increases the risk of you having cancer mybe
someday..... NOT that Smoking its self caused cancer.
The doctors can't tell you that you are smoking, so you have cancer.
There may be a connection to smoking and some cancer in some people.
But to flatly say smoking causes cancer is NOT the truth.
The same as you are NOT going to die in a car accident because you don't
have a seat belt on..... the truth is that many/most people don't die by
not wearing a seat belt, in fact only 40,000 people die in cars and they
may be killed by actually wearing the seat belt, as easily as those NOT
wearing one, depending on the thousands of variables.
All the government and the doctors are doing is "playing the odds" and
using the odds as an excuse to steal my individual RIGHTS, it violates
the constitution and my freedom.
#3.0.1 - Liberals seem to think "the only gun owners" with any rights
are the criminals.....
Hey, where's my freedom to ride a bicycle or a Neighborhood Electric
Vehicle? Why the big ones are favored over the little ones, which, by
the way, fall outside the "grid" that feeds the large corporations?
Where's my freedom to be off the grid?
As for tobacco, the Tobacco Free Florida grosses me out with
commercials that portray patients dying of cancer (but never the
It would certainly be reasonable (given the deaths and injuries they
cause) for all motor vehicle to be made carry similar types of
explicit imagery at point of sale (but obviously of the relevant types
of death and injury, rather than tumours and dissected lungs).
That's what I always say.

Sadly our vehicles are our sacred cows. In reality they pollute the
Planet's lungs, the very air we all --men, women and children--
inhale. I wished they could try turning on their engine in a closed
garage and see what happens.
His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
2013-05-26 19:34:17 UTC
On May 26, 12:19 pm, BeamMeUpScotty
On 5/26/2013 12:11 PM, His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble
On Sat, 25 May 2013 08:55:41 -0700, His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey,
On May 24, 2:50 pm, "His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble
Christians consistently chose evil over good in different blind
now, now monkey... i thought we agreed... religion is terrorism...
there is no sense in blaming only the christians.... else as our wise
and most humble lion/monkey King... you might be perceived as playing
favorites... that is, after all, how all these human excuses for
debauchery got started... wise means never making that mistake again...
now... humble.
True, I just want to address the people that affect me the most. Why is
God still alive after all? Because the elites keep him alive. They tell
the sheep what to believe or not to believe. Can you believe that the
Russian population was atheist and now it turns to be very religious?
I suspect the puppet master is pulling the strings.
whoever is pulling the strings or pressing the right buttons shouldn't
get so much attention as the spirits and minds of those being pressed...
and the mythology over its truth or untruth, moral values etc... mythos
as an art and part of the psychological inclinations in humans expression.
we are most critical of those things we are only just making into fiction
or more often than not reformulating the same thing into different forms,
it seems the single god as a supreme creator/ruler is attacked so much it
escapes our interests except as a matter of believing or knocking belief,
it escapes a more rounded scrutiny and appreciation. similar to ufo ideas
that are not appreciated as a social psychological condition of our minds
however the aspect of belief and disbelief is an important part of it all.
blaming the elites is an oversimplification though, in fact i'd examine
it through the same lens as i examine the belief in god... to think the
general human population can be blamed on elites disowns our own powers
to create the elite that have power over us...it's all in our minds.....
nonetheless the part in the formula we are taking is to trust authority
and this creates a certain kind of vulnerability to exploitation by elite.
I think the elites still use god to herd the sheep. It was the origin
of it all in ancient Egypt and it is now. The cultural elites though
must be aware of the latest discoveries in archaeology and evolution.
Our political elites could deliver the message, or at least could stop
invoking god in their speeches.
Now they use Global Warming and the Environment and Scientific
studies....  how revealing.
Actually, I don't think the elites are doing shit for the most part.

Perhaps the Union of Concerned Scientists and a few others. They earn
huge salaries with the status quo.

Look at Germany thriving in green technologies though:

'In what is widely considered a success story for developing
renewables in the industrialised world, Germany has demonstrated that
a strong political will can kick-start and sustain a “green”
technological revolution.'



Guess who the future belongs to. ;)

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