Rich Carreiro
2011-08-20 14:20:41 UTC
My 5yo is a total train/subway nut and one of his
goals is to ride the Mattapan trolley.
So I was wondering...
* Is the trolley air conditioned (that matters this time of year)?
* How long (time-wise) is it from Ashmont to Mattapan?
* How long is it between trolleys (so how long will we have to
wait at Mattapan before we can get on the return trolley)?
goals is to ride the Mattapan trolley.
So I was wondering...
* Is the trolley air conditioned (that matters this time of year)?
* How long (time-wise) is it from Ashmont to Mattapan?
* How long is it between trolleys (so how long will we have to
wait at Mattapan before we can get on the return trolley)?
Rich Carreiro rlc-***
Rich Carreiro rlc-***