Looks to be a bit of drama
posing as fact.
Post by His Highness the TibetanMonkey, the Beach Cruiser PhilosopherAll the ingredients are there: the monkey, pollution, China embracing
consumption, revolution... We are in trouble
You and your dog are in trouble?
You mean the super-volcano?
You mean the asteroid?
The next ice age?
Your Red Giant?
Well, you see, your planet, that you call Earth
is geologically active. Super-volcanoes explode
and at times a mass extinction occurs.
Earth, as you call it, is also bombarded at times
by what are called meteors. Some large space rocks
are also known as asteriods. The collide with your planet
and sometimes a mass extinction occurs.
When the dinosaurs got wiped out, about 65 million
or so years ago, there appear to have been both
perfectly natural events happening at the same time.
Your planet also experiences Ice Ages regularly.
At present, your species enjoys an inter-glacial period.
This period will last for a spell, then ice will again
cover a large portion of the surface, totally crushing
your species' building projects. New York City, last time,
was buried under about a mile of ice.
Eventually your star, the Sun as you may know it,
will expand into a red giant sphere, envelope the Earth
and wipe out everything that remains on the surface.
Anything you and your dog do in between these events,
all of which are very likely to occur, basically amounts to
spinning your wheels without getting traction.
You appear to have a very narrow focus.
A sort of tight-knit mental framework
within which your operating system
falls rather short, kinda flat, on its face.
Post by His Highness the TibetanMonkey, the Beach Cruiser PhilosopherIt turns out that the monkey never asks why and we humans often forget
to. Why are we recklessly destroying the planet?
I have no idea why you and your dog
would do something like that. Maybe you
and he are reckless destroyers of your world-
view as you see fit to see it.
That's probably a mental situation.
Many if not most of us cyclists are able to.
Why you are unable to
may have something
to do with your attitude. Your outlook.
Post by His Highness the TibetanMonkey, the Beach Cruiser Philosopher"Surviving" is the perfect word because life nowadays is about
Guess what. You're not going to survive.
Not in your present physical form.
Each day
what was before
is no longer. Yesterday survives
only in recent memory.
Your body is different now
than it was when you were born.
Your old young baby-body survived
and survives after a fashion of thought.
When you perish thoughts of survival
you may learn to live and to thrive
rather than merely survive.
Perhaps then you will be able to bike in peace.
Maybe even with a thrill of adrenaline
rushing thru your body in traffic.
Never know tho, bouts you.
Sounds a bit bleak to me.
Post by His Highness the TibetanMonkey, the Beach Cruiser PhilosopherHopefully a revolution will make things right before that happens
and the monkey will be happy out of the cage once again.
That hope appears somewhat doubtful.
In your particular case in particular.
You do not appear to have the capacity
to transcend basic dualistic n'oceans.
Unable to sea
you don't ride the waves.
The surf is up
but you don't have a board.
You could body-surf
if you were able to get beyond
identification with your bodily form.
As a Flat-lander your perceptions tend
to be extremely limited in perspective.
Looks to be a movie out now.
The Trailer has been hitched.
Metaphor mites elude you.
that try to confuse the public. But you only succeed in making
yourself and the Buddhist philosophy look bad.
we are actually destroying ourselves. Evolution and progress means
helping the World and this way ourselves to live better. Destroying
evolving. This is just a lie of the governemnts run by the giant