On Wed, 29 May 2013 16:11:57 -0700 (PDT), "His Highness the Wise
Post by His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Most Humble PhilosopherOn Wed, 29 May 2013 09:59:32 -0700 (PDT), "His Highness the Wise
Post by His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Most Humble PhilosopherOn Wed, 29 May 2013 05:27:15 -0700 (PDT), "Robert Westergrom,1900
All the bikes will be stolen inside a week ...
Every pawn shop within 300 miles of NYC will be overflowing with
bicycles within a month.
Yep ... they'll be shipped out on trucks and sold/pawned
elsewhere for dope money.
The left likes to waste money in beautifying cities and creating bike
programs while the right just launches war after war.
Well ... JFK/LBJ did Vietnam .....
But BOTH parties like to waste money. Well ... it SEEMS
like "waste ... except to the pols who get all the kickbacks.
The most "beautiful" city in the world is just a tomb if
it can't support itself and its citizens. Save most of
that 'beautification' and war cash and build domestic
industry and infrastructure with it. Frankly, a row of
open busy factories is "beautiful" too.
Post by His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Most Humble PhilosopherThe key word is "waste," meaning it creates jobs and business
opportunities --and a lot of corruption.
Profit-making jobs or "busy-work" jobs ? There's a
difference you know. The first one builds a future,
the latter one cannibalizes that future.
Well, I hope you included bullet trains among the projects that build
a future...
Don't be ridiculous. You can build and maintain several
perfectly good regular trains for the price of one 'bullet'.
The regular trains can move more people too.
Bullet-trains are all about kickbacks - especially from
the politicians masters who have bought up all the
land where the track will go ... oh, and the sub-suburbs
faster trains will let people move to, gotta tear up more
forest land for THOSE too .......
OK, nothing with big infrastructure will get done in America. Just
maintenance will keep that corruption money flowing. Give me space to
ride a bike and keep the bike infrastructure, some of which is an
invitation to suicide such as a bike painted on the road (sharrow) on
a blind curve. That's a curve they are throwing at you. ;)
Post by His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Most Humble PhilosopherNYC is never going to be a "beautiful" city in any
sense I suspect you mean - mostly because it's
full of New Yorkers. People come there and
see the bustle, hear the noise, see the mess,
feel the buzz and say "Hey ! There's MONEY
to be made here !". That's what NYC is about.
That's what keeps NYC alive. That's NYCs soul.
Sorry, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but a city devoid of
people can not be beautiful. Then we can say our suburbs really suck,
except for the green they may have. It's like a cemetery. I don't know
if you heard of Coral Gables, but it's a very upscale city with plenty
of green. Plenty of green and yet everybody is indoors except for
Miracle Mile that has a Barnes & Nobles and some cafes. That's it.
Been there. Kinda like there'd been a zombie invasion
or something. Asthetic in the green/archetectural sense
but nobody there SEES it. A big chemically-greened
illegal-labor-maintained cemetery for the upclass.
NYC, for all its grime and eyesore, is a *vital* place.
It's not about "looks" so much as it's about actually
DOING STUFF. Mass quantities of commerce get
done there every day, new endeavours get a boost,
opportunities abound - and if you WANT some "art"
or "green" they ARE there, if you know where to look.
Yep, I agree.
In our present situation, a line of active businesses
and factories is MUCH more "beautiful" than miles
of manicured greesnscape where the cops will
say you're "suspicious" if you're not driving a
Mercedes or riding a $3000 bicycle in a $2000
yuppie outfit.
Well, I could look like a million bucks on a bike, but can't compete
in the Mercedes area. You must shine where you can.
Post by His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Most Humble PhilosopherApparently you want to turn it into some kind of
art display with a few people puttering by on
their bicycles wearing sissy spandex garb on
their way to a wine tasting party or book event.
That ain't NYC. That's death. Oh, and I bet
you wanna PAY for this 'beauty' by overtaxing
"the rich" too. Well Bejing and Hong Kong
await their defections - the businesses, jobs
and profits they generate .....
I don't know why you pick on spandex. It's not the type of cyclist I
have in mind. I'm talking about people riding bikes in style. I think
you are talking about the cyclists you find on weekends but nothing
else. They probably go around to the launching place with the bike
strapped to the SUV.
Hmmm ... seems lots of "environmentally minded" people
drive big expensive SUVs and have lawns that require
megatonnage of phosphorous fertilizer and water to
maintain ..... :-)
And sorry ... those spandex "speed suits" and little
white helmets just look pansy. Reflects a certain
elitist state of mind I find very annoying.
Well, it's sort like a bullfighters suit. I just don't find it sexy.
Post by His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Most Humble PhilosopherI had the dream to launch my own stylish bike in Coral Gables but the
dream has been scrapped. Nobody around and I would feel like
Fighting the SUVs would be like fighting the windmills.
Hmmm ... didn't I once advse you to move to a 'town'
called Cornwell - about as far from anything as you
can get :-)
Actually, north Florida has much better options
for bikes. Lots or really rural roads that aren't
very busy. Some topography too if you're along
the central ridge.
Thanks. I'm about to do that. Too much driver rage around here.
Post by His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Most Humble PhilosopherChicago and New Orleans are probably the
most corrupt ... but NYC has always been in
the top five. New Yorkers are always looking
for an angle ... some way to twist the system
so money runs into their pocket. This isn't
gonna change unless you do manage to
murder the city. Then it'll just be a giant Taj,
but in dirty grey. Even the artsy-fartsies will
have to flee.
I'm afraid only liberals know how to make a city beautiful, with cafes
and bicycles, not the beautification going on around here, which is
only a facade for corruption.
Kickbacks, profiteering and more kickbacks .....
Hey, that's the government "for the people, by the people..."
Well, it was meant to be. Copying Rome wasn't such a great idea.
If you're ever at a loss as to WHY government is
doing something, just FOLLOW THE MONEY and
the logic will become clear.
And, IMHO, a new automobile plant is more
"beautiful" than a cafe next to a goat-cheese
store ....
Well, it ain't happening in Detroit. If anything the automobile never
delivered the Utopia it promised. People are sitting in endless
traffic jams and raging. Insisting on cars means more traffic jams and
Maybe the era of the automobile is over and we should explore some
options. Just get on a bike and grab that bull by the horns. If
"Occupy" had done that maybe we would be free by now. ;)