The news from Copenhagen couldn't be more encouraging
(too old to reply)
His Highness the TibetanMonkey, the Beach Cruiser Philosopher
2012-02-02 00:06:34 UTC
"The new government has announced that it will integrate green
policies as a main element of their administration in order to make
Copenhagen even more bicycle friendly."


That's the kind of people we need in power. The SUV sends the wrong

"Copenhagen, Copenhagen" everywhere. They deserve it. They are
paradise, close to Nirvana...

"It’s great to see 'wonderful' Copenhagen recognised as the world's
cycling paradise. It’s something that we’ve known all along and have
been lucky to experience firsthand."

Once the important people do it, the other people follow. Remember,
MONKEY SEE, MONKEY DO. Seeing no people in our cities is sad. We are
sad and we don't even know why.

Here's a list of the saddest cities in America...


We must analyze now why NYC is sad. Number 39 is pretty low for a city
with public transportation and walking space. That's beyond me.
Sometimes I wish for a city with no people rather than unfriendly
people though. Time for some collective wisdom. I think Key West is a
friendly place. Or perhaps a place with homeless, litter and no green
is sad. Are Gated Communities sad or happy? You'll be lucky if you can
ride a bike for 5 minutes.

Whether civilization or jungle dominates the urban landscape is up to
the elites. Gated Communities are not the answer. When you can't ride
a bicycle or walk because of fear or lack of space, you know the
monkeys are sad. The people are optional.

"HAPPINESS IS RIDING A BIKE" says the Wise TibetanMonkey.

(I quote)

"I have a confession: I can’t ride a bike. In Denmark this is really
embarrassing, since in Copenhagen, one person in three commutes by
bike to work or school every day.

In my defense for this crime and (my other crime of being a driver of
a car in Denmark) – I have to say that in the US, we do not have a
bicycle culture, many kids do not ride bikes, there are few to no bike
paths in most neighborhoods and we were happy if we had a sidewalk we
could walk on. (While drivers whizzed by with a quick look of pity-
since people who walked were normally considered homeless)."



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His Highness the TibetanMonkey, the Beach Cruiser Philosopher
2012-02-02 16:03:47 UTC
Post by His Highness the TibetanMonkey, the Beach Cruiser Philosopher
"The new government has announced that it will integrate green
policies as a main element of their administration in order to make
Copenhagen even more bicycle friendly."
Chew on this...

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His Highness the TibetanMonkey, the Beach Cruiser Philosopher
2012-02-02 17:25:19 UTC
(Notice that the picture of Danish girl came out wrong, perhaps the
job of Merlin, the Great Magician, one of my most famous opponents. He
changes links and puts in typos. She's just a gorgeous Scandinavian

On Feb 2, 11:07 am, "TibetanMonkey, the Beach Cruiser Philosopher"
Post by His Highness the TibetanMonkey, the Beach Cruiser Philosopher
Post by His Highness the TibetanMonkey, the Beach Cruiser Philosopher
"The new government has announced that it will integrate green
policies as a main element of their administration in order to make
Copenhagen even more bicycle friendly."
Chew on this...
Contrast Copenhagen with Miami Beach, also going through a "bike


Hot weather, sexy bodies, lots of beach and... NO SPACE. You got some
20 blocks by 10 blocks of streets that are still ruled by the cars.
Officially the program extends some 85 blocks but winding, grinding
sidewalks await you. There are bike paths and bike lanes around but
they seem to be designed with "casual disregard for the cyclist" and
they are never connected. Sharrows (bike painted on traffic lane) seem
to be the latest trend but they appear and disappear into thin air.
Another sign tossed around says, "bicycles may take full lane." That's
a joke, a cruel joke. Bridges, oh don't get me going. I just want to
jump off and end the suffering. The pedestrians are friendly when they
squeeze through the narrow passage, but three lanes for cars and 3
feet for bike and pedestrian is just too much.

Of course, all these "bike facilities" count toward a "grand total,"
and that's the bottom line. The Dutch experts came to town but they
are gone, and we are not sure what they did. Maybe they quit their
job, maybe they fulfilled the contract. Oh, contracts, contracts and
more contracts. Everything is contracted and no engineer ever enjoys
their design. I think that's what makes a difference with Copenhagen.
The designer is doing a job, not looking forward to be part of it.

And so life goes on as always.
His Highness the TibetanMonkey, the Beach Cruiser Philosopher
2012-02-03 07:13:39 UTC
Post by His Highness the TibetanMonkey, the Beach Cruiser Philosopher
"TibetanMonkey, the Beach Cruiser Philosopher"
Post by His Highness the TibetanMonkey, the Beach Cruiser Philosopher
"The new government has announced that it will integrate green
policies as a main element of their administration in order to make
Copenhagen even more bicycle friendly."
That's the kind of people we need in power. The SUV sends the wrong
"Copenhagen, Copenhagen" everywhere. They deserve it. They are
paradise, close to Nirvana...
Well, it's freakin' cold in Nirvana right now, I can tell you...
Post by His Highness the TibetanMonkey, the Beach Cruiser Philosopher
"It’s great to see 'wonderful' Copenhagen recognised as the world's
cycling paradise. It’s something that we’ve known all along and have
been lucky to experience firsthand."
Danes have been cycling for ages. Copenhagen wasn't built for cars in
the first place. A lot of it was built around the 17th century. The new
government is now struggling with ways to keep motorized traffic in the
city center at a minimum. Cycling is mainly for those who live and work
in the city. Many people from the suburbs still drive to work.
But on the plus side, our new prime minister is pretty hot.
Congratulations for having a hot PM. And she seems to be smart too in
promoting bikes over polluting vehicles. They are not even faster in
rush hour. Yesterday, the bus I was in sat in traffic for 45 minutes,
a distance I could have done by bike in 15 min.

I felt like getting off and walking.
His Highness the TibetanMonkey, the Beach Cruiser Philosopher
2012-02-03 07:13:28 UTC
I really feel sorry for the many cities - mainly in the Far East - who
made no allowance for an Underground System and now realise that it is
impossible to put one in place!
Our sprawl was designed for the car, but you could do errands by
bicycle. The problem is the lack of bike facilities.
His Highness the TibetanMonkey, the Beach Cruiser Philosopher
2012-02-03 15:53:16 UTC
Post by His Highness the TibetanMonkey, the Beach Cruiser Philosopher
"The new government has announced that it will integrate green
policies as a main element of their administration in order to make
Copenhagen even more bicycle friendly."
Post by His Highness the TibetanMonkey, the Beach Cruiser Philosopher
That's the kind of people we need in power. The SUV sends the wrong
"Copenhagen, Copenhagen" everywhere. They deserve it. They are
paradise, close to Nirvana...
It isn't just Copenhagen, it's all of Denmark, cycle ways everywhere, and
lots of cyclists using them every day. This morning it was -7 C and as I
cycled past a cyclist counter set up here, I was no. 260. Yesterday we
had -6C and at 2 pm I went past the counter and it was at 915. And this is
on a fairly minor road. Bikes are big here.
Dieter Britz (dieterhansbritz<at>gmail.com)
Bicycle counter? It sounds like the number don't lie. Here we would
found out that some bike lanes are totally useless. But those
temperatures (-6C=21F) require a strong determination. Hey, the monkey
got to be out of the cage one way or another. Here we often cite the
heat (middle nineties plus humidity) not to go out. A helmet would not
protect me from the sun. The secret is in dressing properly plus
having the determination.

And at the end of a trip you may take a plunge in a nice beach --
clothing optional-- to reward yourself. I don't dare though. The
traffic is too hostile to get there.
His Highness the TibetanMonkey, the Beach Cruiser Philosopher
2012-02-04 15:28:07 UTC
Post by His Highness the TibetanMonkey, the Beach Cruiser Philosopher
"TibetanMonkey, the Beach Cruiser Philosopher"
Post by His Highness the TibetanMonkey, the Beach Cruiser Philosopher
"The new government has announced that it will integrate green
policies as a main element of their administration in order to make
Copenhagen even more bicycle friendly."
That's the kind of people we need in power. The SUV sends the wrong
"Copenhagen, Copenhagen" everywhere. They deserve it. They are
paradise, close to Nirvana...
Well, it's freakin' cold in Nirvana right now, I can tell you...
Post by His Highness the TibetanMonkey, the Beach Cruiser Philosopher
"It’s great to see 'wonderful' Copenhagen recognised as the world's
cycling paradise. It’s something that we’ve known all along and have
been lucky to experience firsthand."
Danes have been cycling for ages. Copenhagen wasn't built for cars in
the first place. A lot of it was built around the 17th century. The new
government is now struggling with ways to keep motorized traffic in the
city center at a minimum. Cycling is mainly for those who live and work
in the city. Many people from the suburbs still drive to work.
But on the plus side, our new prime minister is pretty hot.
It may be sexist of me but honestly I don't
see anything wrong with a gender bias that
results in the world being run by hot babes.
"It's bad for hair" sounds like a perfectly
good reason to take nuclear weapons off the
table. Likewise, voting for someone because
she's pretty and knows how to use it seems
no less defensible than voting for someone
because he gives good speeches.
They are calling this the winter that didn't
happen over here. I don't think anyone will
die from their snowmobile breaking through
the ice this year because the ice will never
get thick enough to even try it. And just
to fire a broadside at the "climate change
is a hoax" crowd our local groundhog Wiarton
Willy threw his support behind the early
spring theory. Do you even have climate
predicting rodents in der Ureauzone?
May Shai-Hulud clear the path before you.
I'm afraid the "climate change is not man made" crowd is mostly found
in America, particularly among the Christians and the Republican
Party. They even say that's good for the planet, but that implies
ignoring a lot of science. So this is an American phenomenon.

There may be some scientists outside of America --I think one is from
Denmark of all places-- that deny or welcome climate change but they
are truly clowns looking for celebrity. How can you stand out in the
scientific community if not by saying something crazy, particularly if
you can sell a book to American audiences?

Well, that's my humble opinion anyway. I'd like to hear though what's
the opinion of the Dutch and Danish cyclists who put themselves
through wind and snow about climate change. Nothing matters?
Individual effort is insignificant?
His Highness the TibetanMonkey, the Beach Cruiser Philosopher
2012-02-04 15:40:02 UTC
Post by His Highness the TibetanMonkey, the Beach Cruiser Philosopher
"The new government has announced that it will integrate green
policies as a main element of their administration in order to make
Copenhagen even more bicycle friendly."
Post by His Highness the TibetanMonkey, the Beach Cruiser Philosopher
That's the kind of people we need in power. The SUV sends the wrong
"Copenhagen, Copenhagen" everywhere. They deserve it. They are
paradise, close to Nirvana...
It isn't just Copenhagen, it's all of Denmark, cycle ways everywhere, and
lots of cyclists using them every day. This morning it was -7 C and as I
cycled past a cyclist counter set up here, I was no. 260. Yesterday we
had -6C and at 2 pm I went past the counter and it was at 915. And this is
on a fairly minor road. Bikes are big here.
For many USAsians Copenhagen is Danmark and Amsterdam is The
Netherlands. For the Netherlands cycling in Amsterdam is not a very good
representation of cycling in general.
Perhaps the verb "Copenhaganize" is tossed around with casual


We should Copenhaganize every city in America to be centered around
the human being not the machine. But that's only my humble opinion.