What's going on at I-95 and US20. There appears to be construction
going on inside the traffic circle over I-95.
Also,on I-95 southbound near the Cambridge Reservoir, they're clearing
a lot of the area between I-95 and the reservoir.
From the Mass DOT website
The I-95 resurfacing project begins at the Weston/Waltham town line
(MM 40.65). The project then continues north in the town of Waltham
ending at the Waltham/Lexington town line (MM 44.78). The length of
project is 21,810-feet or 4.131 miles. The highway mainline with be
resurfaced as well as the ramps within the limits of work. The work
shall consist of: Full width 1.5 inch asphalt pavement micromilling
and overlaying with hot mixed asphalt (HMA); 2.25 inch superpave
intermediate and 1.5 inch asphalt rubber gap graded friction course.
All mainline HMA courses (base, intermediate, friction) on this
project shall be warm mix technology; Removing and discarding
guardrail; Upgrading guardrail and end treatments; Excavating the
existing median and replacing with a paved high speed shoulder with
concrete tall wall safety shape barrier; Removing and discarding the
existing median granite edging; Installing bridge rail to highway
guardrail transitions; Adjusting and rebuilding drainage structures
within the roadway surface; Installing hook lock frames and grates on
existing and proposed catch basins; Installing drainage structures in
the newly constructed high speed shoulder; Constructing storm water
improvements including wet ponds and gravel detention basins;
Handling, stabilizing, disposal and re-using of contaminated soils
from the highway median; Installing anti-fatigue rumble strips on the
high speed and low speed shoulders; Installing pavement markings and
slotted pavement markers; Traffic management including temporary
concrete barriers; Installing traffic data collection stations
Installing replacing scored concrete with milled rumble strips;
Placing pavement milling mulch for shoulders and incidental items of
work as required by the Engineer.