His Highness the TibetanMonkey, the Beach Cruiser Philosopher
2012-03-07 19:43:31 UTC
(I can almost hear the compliments, "Gee, that's a clever monkey."
Well, the revolution is about solutions, right?)
On Mar 7, 11:01 am, "TibetanMonkey, the Beach Cruiser Philosopher"
"bike facilities" --sharrows and bike lanes to be exact-- are
absolutely stupid. They not connected and can get you killed if you
follow them.
But that's only my humble opinion.
Maybe it seems like I'm placing all the blame on the contractors, but
there are other factors in bad work. It seems to me like --correct me
if I'm wrong-- there's a HOLY TRINITY where politicians and engineers
work on one side and the contractors do the job. The complex system
where they interact may be called the "money jungle," that's where the
money disappears and very little results are seen by the public. The
work may be a complete waste of money and resources, but money changes
hands and that's the bottom line. The contractors know they are doing
a stupid job but they get paid for it. For example, around here they
built a fancy mixed path where lighting is excessive, and the end
result is that you are blinded at night, and I simply stay away from
it. You know I much I crave for riding at night? I'd be happy to beat
the heat and pedal the stress away. It's only 1.5 miles but sucks up
money like a black hole. There are many other issues but I don't want
to tire you.
I think we can outsource the construction to Cuba and get a better
result. Check this out:
"For a North American cyclist like me, the sensation of being
respected as a full road user, or to have a full lane on the highway
leading out of the city gave me an uncommon feeling of pride. For
once, I had more space than I needed, no worries about being cut or
having a door opened in my face, and nobody to honk at my back! What
Good, this fellow cyclist, tired of being treated as a dog --or may I
say a raccoon-- found freedom in Cuba. That's the type of freedom I've
talking about, which is not say I like the Cuban model. I'm just
stating we may be better off outsourcing bike facilities to Cuba or
something. Something like Holland, but they came to Miami and left
without a trace. Yes, there's a little trace such as some sharrows --
bike painted on traffic lane-- that may be attributed to them, but
that's nothing to protect you from the predators out there.
All you need is BIGGER BUMPERS:
"... the best way to deal with bicyclists is to get a bigger bumper
for your car..." -Karen Schmidt, Washington State House Transportation
Committee Chair
Well, the revolution is about solutions, right?)
On Mar 7, 11:01 am, "TibetanMonkey, the Beach Cruiser Philosopher"
Building is a work which demands many technical experiences. It is not
easy to build or repair any building. You many definitely need a great
knowledge and effort for this purpose. Experience also counts a lot
for building something.
Dade Construction Workhttp://www.rodericllc.com/
Absolutely not. Even a monkey can do it better. For example, the neweasy to build or repair any building. You many definitely need a great
knowledge and effort for this purpose. Experience also counts a lot
for building something.
Dade Construction Workhttp://www.rodericllc.com/
"bike facilities" --sharrows and bike lanes to be exact-- are
absolutely stupid. They not connected and can get you killed if you
follow them.
But that's only my humble opinion.
there are other factors in bad work. It seems to me like --correct me
if I'm wrong-- there's a HOLY TRINITY where politicians and engineers
work on one side and the contractors do the job. The complex system
where they interact may be called the "money jungle," that's where the
money disappears and very little results are seen by the public. The
work may be a complete waste of money and resources, but money changes
hands and that's the bottom line. The contractors know they are doing
a stupid job but they get paid for it. For example, around here they
built a fancy mixed path where lighting is excessive, and the end
result is that you are blinded at night, and I simply stay away from
it. You know I much I crave for riding at night? I'd be happy to beat
the heat and pedal the stress away. It's only 1.5 miles but sucks up
money like a black hole. There are many other issues but I don't want
to tire you.
I think we can outsource the construction to Cuba and get a better
result. Check this out:
"For a North American cyclist like me, the sensation of being
respected as a full road user, or to have a full lane on the highway
leading out of the city gave me an uncommon feeling of pride. For
once, I had more space than I needed, no worries about being cut or
having a door opened in my face, and nobody to honk at my back! What
Good, this fellow cyclist, tired of being treated as a dog --or may I
say a raccoon-- found freedom in Cuba. That's the type of freedom I've
talking about, which is not say I like the Cuban model. I'm just
stating we may be better off outsourcing bike facilities to Cuba or
something. Something like Holland, but they came to Miami and left
without a trace. Yes, there's a little trace such as some sharrows --
bike painted on traffic lane-- that may be attributed to them, but
that's nothing to protect you from the predators out there.
All you need is BIGGER BUMPERS:
"... the best way to deal with bicyclists is to get a bigger bumper
for your car..." -Karen Schmidt, Washington State House Transportation
Committee Chair