Let the old people worry about public transportation
(too old to reply)
His Highness the TibetanMonkey, the Beach Cruiser Philosopher
2012-12-13 15:53:08 UTC
I don't have an issue with it but the Republicans do, so you figure
that out. They are powerful enough. The sway the elections and make
sure they remain the Holy Cow of politics. They can make choices for
the real world as well. They ain't safe on those sidewalks so long as
rude cyclists regularly ride on them. But they must realize we don't
have wings. WE NEED SPACE!
On Wed, 12 Dec 2012 08:36:09 -0800, TibetanMonkey, the Beach Cruiser
When I was a kid, they promised flying cars
   and atomic batteries in everything ...   :-)
I got mine didn't they send you yours?
   Musta been on Santa's "naughty" list  :-(
   There was an old TV show, Union Carbide's "The 21st Century"
   hosted by no less than uncle Walter Cronkite ... and uncle Walter
   PROMISED us those flying cars and eternal-lasting atomic
   batteries in *everything* (forget those wall plugs !) - AND I'M
   He did promise home computers, shrunk down to handy office-desk
   size so Mom could database her dinner recipes and house-cleaning
   supplies ... so I guess we weren't *totally* screwed out of our
   brighter future.
True and at least we could charge our computers with solar chargers.
That much we got. We can't ride a bicycle though. The bike lanes are
not connected. This is a rather dystopian world.
   This may come as a horrible shock to you ... but, well,
   the world does NOT revolve around bicycles. Rather low on the
   priority list.   :-)
I heard that in Washington State, almost 50% of the state gasoline taxes
go to light rail, buses, and bicycle transportation - modes that make up
only 3% of all travelers.
A bicycle per se doesn't require any investment. Just TAME TRAFFIC AND

Let the old people worry about public transportation.


TibetanMonkey, the Beach Cruiser Philosopher
2012-12-14 14:56:39 UTC
On Thu, 13 Dec 2012 07:35:23 -0800, TibetanMonkey, the Beach Cruiser
Post by His Highness the TibetanMonkey, the Beach Cruiser Philosopher
On Wed, 12 Dec 2012 08:36:09 -0800, TibetanMonkey, the Beach Cruiser
When I was a kid, they promised flying cars
   and atomic batteries in everything ...   :-)
I got mine didn't they send you yours?
   Musta been on Santa's "naughty" list  :-(
   There was an old TV show, Union Carbide's "The 21st Century"
   hosted by no less than uncle Walter Cronkite ... and uncle
   Walter PROMISED us those flying cars and eternal-lasting
   atomic batteries in *everything* (forget those wall plugs !) -
   He did promise home computers, shrunk down to handy
   office-desk size so Mom could database her dinner recipes and
   house-cleaning supplies ... so I guess we weren't *totally*
   screwed out of our brighter future.
True and at least we could charge our computers with solar chargers.
That much we got. We can't ride a bicycle though. The bike lanes are
not connected. This is a rather dystopian world.
   This may come as a horrible shock to you ... but, well,
   the world does NOT revolve around bicycles. Rather low on the
   priority list.   :-)
I heard that in Washington State, almost 50% of the state gasoline
taxes go to light rail, buses, and bicycle transportation - modes that
make up only 3% of all travelers.
A bicycle per se doesn't require any investment. Just TAME TRAFFIC AND
Let the old people worry about public transportation.
They spent the money to rework the curbs and to create bicycle lanes.
They spend money creating dysfunctional bike lanes. I don't expect the
old people to notice that, but that's the way it is. Actually I speak
with an old Jewish lady and she sees nothing wrong, even though she
can't walk anymore.

One particular reason why bike lanes are dysfunctional is because they
are NOT connected. Even an idiot sees that but people don't see it.
Our engineers are incapable of connecting the lanes and people are
unable to notice it.
Personally, I think that people riding bikes should be REQUIRED to carry
a .45 pistol or better and cyclist insurance. If they have an "accident"
and shoot someone, it should be covered by insurance.
Only when the guy on the bike has as much killing power as the sociopath
driving the car will the sociopath stop running over bike riders and
calling his insurance to cover it.
True. I think a machete will make a great deterrence too. Notice, you
can't throw a machete so it's easier to prove self defense. It seems
like you can make a carnage as well and be on the 6 o'clock news,
which is what you want. You want the world to know not to mess with
the cyclists.
TibetanMonkey, the Beach Cruiser Philosopher
2012-12-14 15:15:39 UTC
On Thu, 13 Dec 2012 11:16:31 -0500, BeamMeUpScotty
Everybody was getting minimal medical care, which is better than most of
the world....   We can't pay for 100% getting unlimited medical care, NO
matter who you try to make pay.
Yes you can
Other civilized industrialed nations do
Word is, they're going bankrupt. They don't go around killing little
brown people so they can be "Free" like Americans do so they don't have
half the excuse for going bankrupt that we do.
At present--we spend more on elective tit jobs, tummy tucks, hair
restoration, face lifts and needless crap that if applied to REAL HC
needs, would pay our debt down.
I donno... Seen some of those tit jobs... worth the money from my
Just the reform of Medicare--we save $700 Billion.
Paying a HC company $2000 for what you could buy from a medical supply
store for $200---is a savings to taxpayers
Forceing HC providers to limit the profit margin and administration
costs of premiums is a tremendous savings.
These hospitals are not making big profits, they're going bankrupt and
shutting their doors. The reason is the back door socialism we've imposed
on them with our laws, laws that require them to treat people who have
no intention of paying for their medical care.
And the reason they're charging people without insurance a lot more than
those who do is because of the high rate of deadbeats. Yes, they charge
those who DO pay a lot more than cost because of those who DON'T pay.
That's shameful. I see a solution where people without health
insurance walk up to the Emergency Room and when they are denied care,
they commit suicide right there.

How can they live with the shame to be broke? How can they be a burden
for society? How can they be so reckless to ride a bike and get hurt?

That's why I say healthcare and bicycling are so intrinsically
connected. They are an act of suicide. People with healthcare
insurance though tend to kill themselves slowly through obesity, junk
food, and pills. What's glorious about that?
His Highness the TibetanMonkey, the Beach Cruiser Philosopher
2012-12-14 15:33:40 UTC
I don't care for Republican or Democrats But it would be nice for all nations
and individual like your self to keep this in your mind
You most respect to be respected
This goes for Religious and Political Leaders
Sorry, didn't get the point.

But who needs healthcare when we can have bombs!? We must sacrifice so
out nations can be strong and proud. We are just insects in a world of
giants. Corporations create jobs and people --particularly sick
people-- become a nuisance.
TibetanMonkey, the Beach Cruiser Philosopher
2012-12-15 02:41:24 UTC
On Dec 14, 9:27 pm, BeamMeUpScotty
On Dec 14, 9:05 pm, BeamMeUpScotty
On Dec 14, 5:11 pm, BeamMeUpScotty
On Fri, 14 Dec 2012 12:45:23 -0800 (PST), "TibetanMonkey, the Beach
Who needs healthcare when we can have bombs!? We must sacrifice so our
nations can be strong and proud.
You need to be alive and free to use the health care, it would seem
useless to have health care when your enemy has already killed you.
That's typical of Liberals to not understand the process of prioritizing
the needs of a NATION.
"Would you rather be free or enjoy healthcare?"
I think people would choose both but I may be wrong.
The "or" sort of made it an either/or question and the fact is you have
to be free to "enjoy"  your health.....
That means the first order of business is to make sure you are alive and
free.   After that you can prioritize things as needed but we have a
constitution that does that for us since we chose to use it from the
The Constitution doesn't have any priority or power to create a Federal
health care policy or law.   Calling it a tax is an affront to the
constitution and is tantamount to treason by anyone that calls Obama
care constitutional, they deserve to be hung as traitors to the
And what do you say about the third component of the triangle?
If the bike keeps me healthy and happy, how do you make space for me?
Am I free to ride a bicycle or not?
As far as I am concerned you are free to ride until you hit my property.
Then I have my own regulations on my property.
I wouldn't want you sleazeball Liberal types suing me due to your own
stupidity. I'll have to protect you from your own excessive supply of
OK, I want a traffic lane all to myself. You just go around me when
you find me. No honking, no roaring of the engine, no squeezing. I'm
ready to pay for registration or whatever it takes. The rules will be
different though. We'll be freer when riding a bike because we don't
kill people. If we kill people, it would be on the sidewalk, where
people ride now.

Yes, pedestrians are people too.

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