Are you on the safe side of the battle of good vs. evil?
(too old to reply)
TibetanMonkey, the Beach Cruiser Philosopher
2012-06-26 15:54:45 UTC
Often those lines are hard to define, but sometimes we can immediately
recognize who's who: Take for example WWII. I'm sure you have no
trouble identifying the good guys and what they did to rescue the
world from "evil." Evil even had a recognizable face we are all
familiar with. But now we have a new dilemma, perhaps not so easily
recognizable, but all the more dire. The world is at stake. We the
good guys --assuming we are not on the wrong side-- have a tougher
battle to fight because there's no evil face to fight and because we
receive no medals. We ride bicycles to save the planet --REVOLUTIONS
FOR THE PLANET-- and all we receive is honks and insults. They throw
at us the worst humanity has to offer. We risk our lives in the
process, but we know we are on the safe side of the battle of good vs.
evil. And that's what counts.

But if you are not able to take the heat in the front lines, go and
take a walk in a quiet place. Make it HIKING if you will, so the noise
and grinding pace of the machine doesn't bother you. I hope to be
doing that soon. Climbing Everest is the ultimate goal but it's
getting too crowded at the peak.
On Jun 25, 10:41 pm, "TibetanMonkey, the Beach Cruiser Philosopher"
You may say we should doubt, but the Wise Man rides a bike to be on
the safe side. It's mostly the SUV owners who cast doubt on the
In your ignorance, hiding on your bicycle, you embarrass the rest of
us cyclists who have made the effort to inform ourselves. And your
silly attempt to smear doubters as "SUV drivers" is limper than your
dick. Smarten up, sonny; it is offensive for someone as patently thick
as you are to attempt to lecture your betters.
Weird. You are the first cyclist that I've seen that denies doing good
for the environment. We are all aware that we on the safe side in the
battle of good vs. evil.


His Highness the TibetanMonkey, the Beach Cruiser Philosopher
2012-06-26 17:42:24 UTC
On Tue, 26 Jun 2012 08:20:28 -0700 (PDT), "TibetanMonkey, the Beach
Are you on the safe side of the battle of good vs. evil?
I prefer evil. That's because there are numerous government and
private organizations dedicated to spending huge amounts of time,
effort, and money attempting to correct my evil ways, while there's
absolutely no one that cares much about those that are fundamentally
good. I follow the money.
Note: I have a pair of red plastic devil horns for my bicycle helmet
to insure that there's no confusion.
I sort of like the people who are evil and make no apologies, but
that's hard to sell. Hitler was evil and was not pretending to be
something else and in that sense he scores higher than, say, Bush.

Another perfect example is those who claim to follow a man on a donkey
and drive an SUV. In other words, they are still evil.

At that rate God and Satan become one.
His Highness the TibetanMonkey, the Beach Cruiser Philosopher
2012-06-27 13:49:37 UTC
On Jun 27, 12:41 am, BeamMeUpScotty
On Tue, 26 Jun 2012 19:09:05 -0400, BeamMeUpScotty
Since the Republicans don't offer a universal healthcare plan and try
to sabotage Obama's, they should at least agree with PREVENTION.
Prevention of what?
"preventitive HC" stupid
The cost of regular doctor visits to head off major illnesses save
taxpayers millions. The entire VA system is predicated on regular
scheduled checkups and maintenance. Cut costs dramatically.
I have to tellyouthat more people will be injured by the traffic and
stupid stunts on bicycles than if we drive cars with airbags and seat
belts.... hot weather bicycling will kill a heart patient... Hell,
even Jim Fix died while jogging and he was famous for exercising to stay
Open your eyes...
Are you trying to sell us the "couch potato way of life"? Yes, riding
a bike can be dangerous, but the point of this post is to create space
for safe bicycling. We can not be expected to fight traffic. Maybe
noise pollution and loud horns can kill us. Or maybe we die because we
get hurt and we don't have a universal healthcare system there for us.

One thing is for sure: Sabotaging Obamacare without offering an
alternative is evil. Very evil.
Miles Bader
2012-06-28 04:57:45 UTC
"His Highness the TibetanMonkey, the Beach Cruiser Philosopher"
Post by His Highness the TibetanMonkey, the Beach Cruiser Philosopher
On Jun 27, 12:41 am, BeamMeUpScotty
Open your eyes...
Are you trying to sell us the "couch potato way of life"? Yes, riding
a bike can be dangerous, but the point of this post is to create space
for safe bicycling. We can not be expected to fight traffic. Maybe
noise pollution and loud horns can kill us. Or maybe we die because we
get hurt and we don't have a universal healthcare system there for us.
If BeamMeUpScotty wants real safety, clearly he will be in favor of
banning cars, which are one of the most dangerous parts of modern
Post by His Highness the TibetanMonkey, the Beach Cruiser Philosopher
One thing is for sure: Sabotaging Obamacare without offering an
alternative is evil. Very evil.
Of course.

You didn't think all those guys were telling the _truth_ when they
said they loved Jesus, did you?

Brain, n. An apparatus with which we think we think.
TibetanMonkey, the Beach Cruiser Philosopher
2012-06-28 23:23:04 UTC
Post by Miles Bader
"His Highness the TibetanMonkey, the Beach Cruiser Philosopher"
Post by His Highness the TibetanMonkey, the Beach Cruiser Philosopher
On Jun 27, 12:41 am, BeamMeUpScotty
Open your eyes...
Are you trying to sell us the "couch potato way of life"? Yes, riding
a bike can be dangerous, but the point of this post is to create space
for safe bicycling. We can not be expected to fight traffic. Maybe
noise pollution and loud horns can kill us. Or maybe we die because we
get hurt and we don't have a universal healthcare system there for us.
If BeamMeUpScotty wants real safety, clearly he will be in favor of
banning cars, which are one of the most dangerous parts of modern
True. At least we should minimize their use.
Post by Miles Bader
Post by His Highness the TibetanMonkey, the Beach Cruiser Philosopher
One thing is for sure: Sabotaging Obamacare without offering an
alternative is evil. Very evil.
Of course.
You didn't think all those guys were telling the _truth_ when they
said they loved Jesus, did you?
To be honest, I think they are a Satanic cult.
TibetanMonkey, the Beach Cruiser Philosopher
2012-06-29 03:02:58 UTC
On Jun 28, 11:31 am, "TibetanMonkey, the Beach Cruiser Philosopher"
One thing is to sabotage Obamacare and another to offer a solution,
Instead of looking for socialist solutions --god forbid-- we can
embrace globalization and save a lot of money. Indians speak English --
sort of-- and are more than willing to help us break the AMA monopoly.
That's right, FREE ENTERPRISE solution for a system plagued with
corruption and bureaucracy, which actually promotes illness and
Actually my bike ride is overdue. Prevention is the best medicine.
You may have a point; $1200 to agree with my diagnosis or a bladder
infection and prescribe anti-biotics.
Phil H
It is said that the prescribe more tests than necessary. Many doctors
even say that's the first place to cut down costs other than --god
forbid-- cutting their splendid incomes.
TibetanMonkey, the Beach Cruiser Philosopher
2012-06-29 17:15:50 UTC
On Jun 28, 8:01 pm, "TibetanMonkey, the Beach Cruiser Philosopher"
Post by TibetanMonkey, the Beach Cruiser Philosopher
On Jun 28, 11:31 am, "TibetanMonkey, the Beach Cruiser Philosopher"
One thing is to sabotage Obamacare and another to offer a solution,
Instead of looking for socialist solutions --god forbid-- we can
embrace globalization and save a lot of money. Indians speak English --
sort of-- and are more than willing to help us break the AMA monopoly.
That's right, FREE ENTERPRISE solution for a system plagued with
corruption and bureaucracy, which actually promotes illness and
Actually my bike ride is overdue. Prevention is the best medicine.
You may have a point; $1200 to agree with my diagnosis or a bladder
infection and prescribe anti-biotics.
Phil H
It is said that the prescribe more tests than necessary. Many doctors
even say that's the first place to cut down costs other than --god
forbid-- cutting their splendid incomes.
The problem is that doctors and the whole system are terribly
expensive. So they get as much "data" as they can and then write a
prescription and then move on to the next patient.
What is needed is a continuum of prevention, education, and care.
Ride your bike down to the community health and wellness center, where
you take a class in something-or-other, volunteer or work part-time on
something you know something about (maybe some health or wellness
issue that you yourself have faced, learned about, dealt with, etc.),
talk to and be examined by a doctor, or nurse practitioner, or nurse,
or clinician, or intern - all cognizant of their scope of practice and
with various professionals and resources to consult. And it's not
just physical health - mental health and wellness - prevention,
education, care - are integral.
The way it works is that all this business costs way less than the
high-end stuff and the machine that goes, "bing!" and the
administration and litigation and scams. That stuff is still there at
the hospital, but oyu dont' have kids with sniffles in the emerency
room, you don't have psychosomatic hypochondriacs getting all the
tests, you dont' have everybody walking into the examining room and
leaving still substantially ignorant of their own condition and then
suing when the magic pill or surgery doesn't do the trick. You have
people taking responsibility for their own wellness and contributing
to the wellness of others, in a setting that begins with a level of
care (prevention, education, "light" intereventions) that cannot be
challenged for malpractice because of the limited scope of practice in
the first place, and the understanding that the patients first and
formost share responsibility. Again, the high-end take me in swarm me
with high-end professionals and hook me up to the machine that goes
"bing" and do whatever it takes to fix me is still there; but it's not
so burdened with people who don't really need all that, not so many
people need all that since they're taking responsibilty for their own
health and wellness , people ar egenerally happier and healthier
(physically and mentally) so they fdon't need so many damn happy pills
and law firms dedicated to skimming drug company profits and cutting
into R&D and older people aren't all decrepit and needing so many
pills and machines that go "bing!" and...
(If you must import doctors to get the ball rolling, bring some from
Cuba and Canada where they know about a society that cares for it's
citizens; the US is well on it's way to bilingual w/ Latin America
Not only it makes sense, it sounds like a HEALTH PROCLAMATION. Notice
that I didn't say "healthcare," but health because that's the first
thing you need to be "happy," something proclaimed by the Declaration
of Independence.

We may have the most technologically advanced machines but they are no
good when they force you to be a couch potato. As you say, that's bad
for body and mind. Let's not forget the role of FOOD and then we have
a comprehensive plan to fight disease and boredom.

Let's bring those foreign doctors in.

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