Abuse Of Accessible Parking Spaces: Let's put a stop to it now!
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linnette01 betancourt
2011-09-16 22:57:35 UTC
I just signed the following petition addressed to: Put A Stop To The
Abuse Of Accessible Parking Spaces.


Help keep Accessible parking spots free for the truly physically
challenged. I have started this petition to make it known to the every
state that it is time that something is done about able-bodied people
illegally using a accessible parking space for their convenience. No
one seems to pay attention to the ADA law so something else has to be
done to stop able-bodied people from using accessible parking spaces
2011-09-17 17:27:01 UTC
Post by linnette01 betancourt
I just signed the following petition addressed to: Put A Stop To The
Abuse Of Accessible Parking Spaces.
Help keep Accessible parking spots free for the truly physically
challenged. I have started this petition to make it known to the every
state that it is time that something is done about able-bodied people
illegally using a accessible parking space for their convenience. No
one seems to pay attention to the ADA law so something else has to be
done to stop able-bodied people from using accessible parking spaces
Obviously illegally parking in handicapped spaces is bad, but often
there are too many handicapped spaces (usually empty) and not enough
regular spaces. The formula for assigning spaces needs to be
reevaluated to best utilize spaces. Why should handicapped users be
guaranteed a parking spot if EVERYONE is not guaranteed a parking spot
somewhere? Equal access is equal access.

Also, I notice that aggressive drivers quite often have a blue placard
dangling from their mirror. Maybe they aren't so "handicapped" after all...
John W Gintell
2011-09-18 18:47:02 UTC
Post by linnette01 betancourt
I just signed the following petition addressed to: Put A Stop To The
Abuse Of Accessible Parking Spaces.
Help keep Accessible parking spots free for the truly physically
challenged. I have started this petition to make it known to the every
state that it is time that something is done about able-bodied people
illegally using a accessible parking space for their convenience. No
one seems to pay attention to the ADA law so something else has to be
done to stop able-bodied people from using accessible parking spaces
Obviously illegally parking in handicapped spaces is bad, but often there are
too many handicapped spaces (usually empty) and not enough regular spaces. The
formula for assigning spaces needs to be reevaluated to best utilize spaces. Why
should handicapped users be guaranteed a parking spot if EVERYONE is not
guaranteed a parking spot somewhere? Equal access is equal access.
Also, I notice that aggressive drivers quite often have a blue placard dangling
from their mirror. Maybe they aren't so "handicapped" after all...
I assume that sometimes there is cheating where a qualified person has a
handicapped plate or placard and someone else is using the car.

Massachusetts has pretty clear eligibility standards for issuing them.


Like many of our driving and other laws the problem is lack of enforcement. In
cases like this it isn't easy to enforce because it would require discovering
the violator in action and then the need to determine whether the correct person
was using it.
2011-09-19 20:12:35 UTC
Post by Trey
Post by linnette01 betancourt
one seems to pay attention to the ADA law so something else has to be
done to stop able-bodied people from using accessible parking spaces
Something like $300 fines, while other parking fines max out at $50?
We already have that.

Why do you think this law goes unenforced? Call the police the next
time you see someone break the rules, and I bet they'll show up pretty
Post by Trey
Obviously illegally parking in handicapped spaces is bad, but often
there are too many handicapped spaces (usually empty) and not enough
regular spaces.  The formula for assigning spaces needs to be
reevaluated to best utilize spaces.
No, we should lessen our dependence on formulas, and instead examine
local conditions.

If a given disabled space is empty during most peak parking times, it
should be redesignated. Similarly, if there aren't enough disabled
spaces, more should be added. Strict adherence to any formula will
always get it wrong in one direction or the other in some places.


Jeffrey Kaplan
2011-09-19 14:41:25 UTC
Post by linnette01 betancourt
I just signed the following petition addressed to: Put A Stop To The
Abuse Of Accessible Parking Spaces.
Help keep Accessible parking spots free for the truly physically

Why should you get free parking when everyone else has to pay for it?
I'm not disputing the need for an appropriate number of accessible
spaces and appropriate enforcement to ensure that they are available.
But IMO they should cost the same to use as I have to pay to park.
Jeffrey Kaplan www.gordol.org
Double ROT13 encoded for your protection

Tips for the Innocent Bystander: 4. If you're riding on public
transport and the Magnificent Seven board your train or bus, get out
immediately and wait for the next one. Especially if they're in their
street clothes.
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