His Highness the TibetanMonkey, the Beach Cruiser Philosopher
2011-04-09 17:40:50 UTC
Somewhere between EVIL, INDIFFERENCE & DUMBNESS they are found
populating political alliances and mall parking lots. They shape what
the issues are for the next elections --moral issues-- and have a
watchful eye toward, perish the thought, anyone who challenges the
POLITICS OF WASTE. They are not necessarily members of the Republican
Party, but most members of the latter have a close relationship with
"God," who dictates "family values," and other bullshit.
They don't trust people riding bicycles who --like Gandhi-- are the
change they want to see in the world...
species out there, only that they are dumb when they act like MONKEY
SEE MONKEY DO and organize to worship some "supreme being" they
haven't seen.
Not necessarily true.
It seems the Catholics admit both, but they offer no solution about
it. Their churches' parking lots are still full of cars.
Absolutely not true of many Christians I know, and also very true of
many non-christians.
Oh no, NONCHRISTIANS must admit that shit they put out stays in the
system and that this humble planet can't handle the heat from 7,000
million wasteful monkeys. Christians would probably disagree with the
last statement, though they seem to be #1.
Not necessarily true. MANY Christians are non-viollent and totally
opposed to war and violence of any kind.
True, but they are mostly irrelevant in politics. The monkey troop is
run by alpha males and their followers.
Cromwell, Cotton-Mather, Fred-Phelps-like talibangelic riff-raff, I
absolutely agree with You for that matter. But there is also Celtic Church,
Church of the Eastand Liberal Catholic Church, haven't You forgotten about
And he has also forgotten about all the historic peace churches and
the anabaptists (that is NOT baptists) which have been a positive
influence for peace, respect, and social issues around the world - in
North, Central, and south America, Africa, Asia, and just about
anywhere they are found.
I'm pretty sure they know we are teasing the dumb monkeys to do moral
actions. Nothing against them.
follow Jesus. I even admire Gandhi, even though he was not a
not equal Republican.
Yes, sometimes the public imagination outside of the troop runs as
fast as the bad reputation:
“I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians
are so unlike your Christ.”
But I'm sure Gandhi was generalizing. ;)
populating political alliances and mall parking lots. They shape what
the issues are for the next elections --moral issues-- and have a
watchful eye toward, perish the thought, anyone who challenges the
POLITICS OF WASTE. They are not necessarily members of the Republican
Party, but most members of the latter have a close relationship with
"God," who dictates "family values," and other bullshit.
They don't trust people riding bicycles who --like Gandhi-- are the
change they want to see in the world...
On Wed, 6 Apr 2011 14:59:52 -0700 (PDT), "His Highness the
TibetanMonkey, the Beach Cruiser Philosopher"
You are only a monkey with a vary limited scope of knowlege and vision
- like most Monkeys.
Isn't that an act of discrimination? Monkeys are the most intelligentTibetanMonkey, the Beach Cruiser Philosopher"
sroda, 6 kwietnia 2011 20:36. carbon entity 'His Highness the TibetanMonkey,
I like to parade here some arguments for Christianity being one or the
other. I myself believe it's an overwhelmingly destructive force, but
I'm only a monkey with common sense...
other. I myself believe it's an overwhelmingly destructive force, but
I'm only a monkey with common sense...
- like most Monkeys.
species out there, only that they are dumb when they act like MONKEY
SEE MONKEY DO and organize to worship some "supreme being" they
haven't seen.
which in turn determine where we came from and we are headed,
which in turn determine where we came from and we are headed,
it. Their churches' parking lots are still full of cars.
2- They follow a certain command to CONQUER THE EARTH, giving little
thought to "lesser species,"
3- They fail to understand the basic principle of CAUSE & EFFECT, ie.
"my choice of transportation is part of the problem/solution,"
thought to "lesser species,"
3- They fail to understand the basic principle of CAUSE & EFFECT, ie.
"my choice of transportation is part of the problem/solution,"
many non-christians.
system and that this humble planet can't handle the heat from 7,000
million wasteful monkeys. Christians would probably disagree with the
last statement, though they seem to be #1.
4- They seem to vote for the most "ALPHA MALE LEADERS," ready to
launch one more questionable war, and then ignore the price of it,
launch one more questionable war, and then ignore the price of it,
opposed to war and violence of any kind.
run by alpha males and their followers.
5- They are WAITING FOR JESUS, who's coming soon to get them out of
this Hell and leave the rest behind.
I'm getting on my Beach Cruiser now to think about these and other
issues that slow down progress. By the way, riding on sidewalks is not
the answer.
You wanted to say the _Puritans_ are destructive force --- the Oliver-this Hell and leave the rest behind.
I'm getting on my Beach Cruiser now to think about these and other
issues that slow down progress. By the way, riding on sidewalks is not
the answer.
Cromwell, Cotton-Mather, Fred-Phelps-like talibangelic riff-raff, I
absolutely agree with You for that matter. But there is also Celtic Church,
Church of the Eastand Liberal Catholic Church, haven't You forgotten about
the anabaptists (that is NOT baptists) which have been a positive
influence for peace, respect, and social issues around the world - in
North, Central, and south America, Africa, Asia, and just about
anywhere they are found.
actions. Nothing against them.
Wherever relief efforts are required (think Haiti, Japan, Indonesia,
New Orleans, etc) you will find MCC and/or MDS involved in a positive
and effective way.
Google "Mennonite Central Committee" and "Mennonite Disaster Service"
Good, I usually spare my words against followers of Jesus that reallyNew Orleans, etc) you will find MCC and/or MDS involved in a positive
and effective way.
Google "Mennonite Central Committee" and "Mennonite Disaster Service"
follow Jesus. I even admire Gandhi, even though he was not a
I mean the American sects for the most part. They are the most
influential and powerful, ie. Republican Party members.
Republican party member does not equal Christian, and Christian doesinfluential and powerful, ie. Republican Party members.
not equal Republican.
fast as the bad reputation:
“I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians
are so unlike your Christ.”
But I'm sure Gandhi was generalizing. ;)