His Highness the TibetanMonkey, the Beach Cruiser Philosopher
2011-04-28 12:09:51 UTC
(Once upon a time I contacted the Jewish Lawyer to sue a Jewish city
for kicking cyclists our of the sidewalk and not providing bike lanes,
and he told me, "You must be injured first!" Is that why they try to
PREVENT accidents in Germany, because there are no Jewish lawyers?)
get injured in an accident before he hears from me.
Maybe we should make a cartoon character out of it...
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for kicking cyclists our of the sidewalk and not providing bike lanes,
and he told me, "You must be injured first!" Is that why they try to
PREVENT accidents in Germany, because there are no Jewish lawyers?)
On Wed, 27 Apr 2011 07:06:16 -0700 (PDT), "His Highness the
TibetanMonkey, the Beach Cruiser Philosopher"
"We!" Who are "We?" You and the CIA? Or just you and your
pig-spamming husband, Jewish CIA Agent Ed "the Fed" Conrad?
Or is there another spook sitting in your little cubicle with you?
Well both of you, the monkey and the junkey, you media-monopolizing
pig-spamming, telephone tapping spooks -- are about to get FIRED!
(That's how you do it.)
Get ready, I'm about to talk about the Jewish lawyer. He wants me toTibetanMonkey, the Beach Cruiser Philosopher"
This is America; this ain't Israel.
Clean up your act -- or go back!
We could us "mess" in the original but it's still a four-letter word.Clean up your act -- or go back!
pig-spamming husband, Jewish CIA Agent Ed "the Fed" Conrad?
Or is there another spook sitting in your little cubicle with you?
Well both of you, the monkey and the junkey, you media-monopolizing
pig-spamming, telephone tapping spooks -- are about to get FIRED!
(That's how you do it.)
get injured in an accident before he hears from me.
Maybe we should make a cartoon character out of it...
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