His Highness the TibetanMonkey, the Beach Cruiser Philosopher
2011-10-04 18:12:01 UTC
If only everybody walked everywhere
that would solve all the problems.
Just imagine, every problem solved.
Walking is too slow for a curious monkey to go around a spread-outthat would solve all the problems.
Just imagine, every problem solved.
Are you an engineer? Because if you are not you may not be among the
smartest people in the world.
I want to focus my enlightenment today into the smartest people in the
world, THE ENGINEERS. In so many ways they are like baseball pitchers:
They can throw good balls, bad balls and curves. It's the latter that
catches my attention. Around here we got quite a few BLIND CURVES that
are sure intimidating (catch that!). As a cyclist this sounds totally
insane and you don't want to be part of the game, ie. you never want
to be in a blind curve on a bike, too much to the edge and you are
invisible, too much to the center and a fast driver has no time to
This is where the smart engineers must look for solutions because THE
REVOLUTION IS ABOUT SOLUTIONS. I know some engineers are doing their
9-5 shift, while others are trying for real solutions. That's where
the Wisdom of the Jungle kicks in. Real life experience from the deep
jungle. All those BLIND CURVES are low balls. There's no way that a
humane cyclist can go through so much danger, so people stay away from
them. This wisdom is just common sense, but sometimes people are
shielded from it by layers of bureaucracy. It doesn't take much: Put
some "ribs" (for lack of the proper name) that vibrate your car as you
approach a curve that warns of cyclists. There's one on the 41 ST
Causeway as you enter Miami Beach. Wake people up to reality! SPEED
CAMERAS are a Utopian solution since it will control those wild
drivers who feel like they own the road. Don't listen to those who
don't ride a bike. Perhaps we need to dedicate the right lane to smart
vehicles such as bicycles, scooters and small EVs ("golf carts" or
community vehicles).
I know the engineers (the smart ones) are there with me in my quest
for solutions. Yeah, I'm sure they must have heard about the Wise
TibetanMonkey by now. Thanks, and here's a list of blind curves:
JFK CAUSEWAY (71 ST) over the bridge to North Bay Village (deep
jungle, very fast traffic. Can you believe it they got a cop riding on
that deadly road? Mind you, it says POLICE big on his back, so it's
good for nothing. Save his life, please!)
INDIAN CREEK AND ALTON RD. (another wild intersection, cars coming at
you from everywhere, possibly falling from the sky, VERY FAST)
INDIAN CREEK AND 41 ST (insane either way, East or West)
In other words, our great DECO BIKE program is disrupted East-West and
North-South, so winding grinding sidewalks are the only choice.
I invite engineers and common people to join me in doing those key
points. Or perhaps some engineers deserve the Darwin Award of Design
for throwing low balls and blind curves, which may help people be
fooled. We are playing HARDBALL here!