His Highness the TibetanMonkey, the Beach Cruiser Philosopher
2012-07-02 16:39:46 UTC
Hey, no monkeying around this time. I've been saying that TAKING THE
LANE is the solution and the revolution is about solutions. Wait, just
a little teasing. We all know that the interpretation of the laws is
different by those who enforce it and those who they are assumed to
protect. "Hey, it's a jungle out there!" I mean don't trust the law
that much. One day, somewhere, a bunch of monkeys will get together
and challenge these laws whose "fine print" is so confusing. You know
what happens when there's confusion? Any idiot behind the wheel comes
and tries to teach you a "lesson." Yes, it happened to me.
It was a tragic incident over a sign that said, "walk bike across
bridge," whatever that means. The guy came and attacked and it
resulted in the worse humiliation in my life. Yes, I've never been
spit in the face. "You are on your own, baby!" Never go in the jungle
without a machete and bananas.
Without further ado, here's the guy from "enlightened California":
“Taking the Lane” With Florida Bicycle Laws
Even in enlightened California, where I live and cycle, police
interpretation of the law often differs from that of cyclists. In
Santa Cruz a couple of weeks ago, the police chief told cyclists at a
recent meeting that they would cite cyclists for impeding traffic if
they take the lane on Mission Street, which has 11 foot lanes, and if
the cyclist disagrees with that interpretation he invited them to take
it to court for the judges to decide.
I don’t know how the system works in Florida, but in many areas
traffic cases are heard by municipal judges who frankly don’t
generally care about the nuances of roadway engineering and cyclist
Like you, I encourage cyclists to take the lane for their own safety,
but it will take some concerted effort to convince motorists and law
enforcement that taking the lane is indeed legal.
LANE is the solution and the revolution is about solutions. Wait, just
a little teasing. We all know that the interpretation of the laws is
different by those who enforce it and those who they are assumed to
protect. "Hey, it's a jungle out there!" I mean don't trust the law
that much. One day, somewhere, a bunch of monkeys will get together
and challenge these laws whose "fine print" is so confusing. You know
what happens when there's confusion? Any idiot behind the wheel comes
and tries to teach you a "lesson." Yes, it happened to me.
It was a tragic incident over a sign that said, "walk bike across
bridge," whatever that means. The guy came and attacked and it
resulted in the worse humiliation in my life. Yes, I've never been
spit in the face. "You are on your own, baby!" Never go in the jungle
without a machete and bananas.
Without further ado, here's the guy from "enlightened California":
“Taking the Lane” With Florida Bicycle Laws
Even in enlightened California, where I live and cycle, police
interpretation of the law often differs from that of cyclists. In
Santa Cruz a couple of weeks ago, the police chief told cyclists at a
recent meeting that they would cite cyclists for impeding traffic if
they take the lane on Mission Street, which has 11 foot lanes, and if
the cyclist disagrees with that interpretation he invited them to take
it to court for the judges to decide.
I don’t know how the system works in Florida, but in many areas
traffic cases are heard by municipal judges who frankly don’t
generally care about the nuances of roadway engineering and cyclist
Like you, I encourage cyclists to take the lane for their own safety,
but it will take some concerted effort to convince motorists and law
enforcement that taking the lane is indeed legal.