God wouldn't have a place in a Matriarchal Society
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His Highness the TibetanMonkey, the Beach Cruiser Philosopher
2011-05-31 18:39:34 UTC
I don't expect the Christians to like this, but their God is
Patriarchal and other names that I rather reserve to myself. They
probably don't even know that most human societies have gone through
Matriarchy just as they have gone through Hunting-Gathering for 99% of
the time we have been walking on this planet. The Mighty Bike is
barely 200 years old, the Cage on Wheels --the car-- is around 100
years old and the Selfish Unnecessary Vehicle maybe 20 years old.
"OIL" --the source of our calamities-- is a necessity of the internal
combustion engine, not the bike, canoe or the sail boat. A Matriarchal
society won't have much use for it though.

The old dirty men --in the literal sense since there was no soap-- who
wrote the Bible didn't have a clue that "way before them" there were
Matriarchal society --in which the concept of "private herd" was
irrelevant-- or even what it all meant in political terms:

"The means of production are commonly owned and set of rules prevent
the accumulation of possessions or power. Compared to socialist or
communist systems they are characterized by the absence of a
centralised administration and ruling authority. Decisions concerning
every area of life are made by consensus including all genders and


I don't need to make further accusations since the Bible itself is a
doctrine book in Patriarchy and Hierarchy. But we are not "SHEEP"
anymore --or so we hope.



"Time to see more women ride bikes!"

His Highness the TibetanMonkey, the Beach Cruiser Philosopher
2011-06-02 21:11:35 UTC
Responding to: His Highness the TibetanMonkey, the Beach Cruiser
Responding to: His Highness the TibetanMonkey, the Beach Cruiser
Responding to: His Highness the TibetanMonkey, the Beach Cruiser
Lucifer's job is tohaveeverybody live in fear. Once you become
"fearless" Lucifer goes away. Remember the movie?

Here's one for ya.
If theGodProject was taken over by some meglomaniac being
(amongst others, "Thou shalthaveno othergodexept me" etc.), and
if an ethical rebel entity prepared to try some damage limitation
by informing the test subjects of the abuse they were subjected
to, by who, and why,wouldn'tthat ethical entity be a prime target
for some good old fashioned FUD?
The track record of whatever is claiming to be "The One TrueGod"
and what it acuses the rebel entity of being, while openly doing
far worse things than the rebel entity was ever acused of, is a
collection of the worse horror stories ever written.
In a typical Hollywood-style movie, this "God" would look like
the Emperor from Star Wars, and the Light Bringer would be played
by Bruce Willis.
C'maaaahn! You just /know/ this makes sense! }%)
Godhates competition, particularly from sexually explicit female
Hmmmm. Chances are that "Lucifer" is actually "Lucy Fur" then.
Currently doing well as a hardcore MC\DJ I've heard.
I bet she has a magnificent light show! Whooooo! %)
Wow, that would change the world as we know it...Godis a He and
Lucy Fur is a woman, so the battle of Good vs. Evil is the battle of
the sexes!
And the twist is, thatGodguy is the bad guy!
(Lets face it, wehaveenough documentation on that dude!)
Go Lucy! Go Lucy! Whoooo! %)
Lucy who, this Lucy...
Or this one...
Notice this is a conspiracy against Lucy, all Lucys.
Even this one!
Tell ya what... I'm not afraid of Lucy Fur!

Would Jesus fear Lucy?
