Capitalism & Christianity are the leading causes of Obesity
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His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
2013-05-28 03:59:30 UTC
On May 27, 7:56 pm, "His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble
On May 27, 1:15 pm, "His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble
I don't like cultivating the body as in gym training, but I want my
body be subject to the rigors of life (meaning walking, bicycling,
swimming). Remember I praise the "hunter gatherer" lifestyle. Hunting
is no longer practical, so something must take its place.
Walk, don't drive, to the grocery.
I don't drive to the market, but walking a mile round trip ain't much
of a challenge for a man who can ride a bike for 15 miles. Perhaps
that's enough for an 88 year old but not me.
It's an idiotic world made for idiotic people. People just get on the
automatic Toyota and go everywhere without giving it a thought. When
you mention the "hunter gatherer," they go "what!?"
Is it Capitalism or Christianity? Well, they go hand in hand. They are
just contrary to Human Nature.
Food stamps are one of the biggest contributors to obesity in the US.
An aversion of people to getting off their fat asses is another.
Ask a doctor.
Fear of riding a bike or walking due to traffic and crime is perhaps a
bigger factor.

Doctors benefit from people being obese and sick.
His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
2013-05-28 14:55:46 UTC
Concerning obesity, Prof. Dr. Achim Peters et al. in Germany have been studying the relationship between stress, diabetes, and obesity. Chronic stress causes the chronic production of the hormone cortisol, which acts in several ways to raise the concentration of the blood sugar chronically. The victim is declared a type 2 diabetic.
There are two kinds of type 2 diabetics, depending on the way they provide the needed additional blood sugar. Many such diabetics eat more food, including more carbohydrates and protein -- which can be converted to blood sugar -- and more fat, which can be converted to more fat! The eventual result is obesity.
The other kind of type 2 diabetic does not eat more food. Under the influence of the hormone cortisol, his liver breaks down the protein and amino acids in his body and converts them into extra blood sugar. Such diabetics lose muscle tissue, and they become emaciated and weak.
Having become emaciated and weak, I have abandoned California in favor of South Florida in order to lower my stress level, in order to lower my cortisol level, in order to lower my blood sugar, in order to live happily ever after.
Wow, you have found paradise where I find stress and rage. Road rage
is our biggest problem, followed by the lack of space and the presence
of hobos and junkies in our parks.

I find that walking and riding a bike release stress like nothing else
--except when you come across the stupid drivers. In California
drivers give you the right of way at the corners, but here you must be
looking over your shoulder, as if you were in the jungle.
His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
2013-05-28 15:05:18 UTC
On Mon, 27 May 2013 21:34:13 -0700 (PDT), "His Highness the Wise
On Mon, 27 May 2013 17:02:18 -0700 (PDT), "His Highness the Wise
On May 27, 1:15 pm, "His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble
I don't like cultivating the body as in gym training, but I want my
body be subject to the rigors of life (meaning walking, bicycling,
swimming). Remember I praise the "hunter gatherer" lifestyle. Hunting
is no longer practical, so something must take its place.
Walk, don't drive, to the grocery.
I don't drive to the market, but walking a mile round trip ain't much
of a challenge for a man who can ride a bike for 15 miles. Perhaps
that's enough for an 88 year old but not me.
15 miles? Nice warmup.. I assume that after the 15 mile warmup ride,
you take off the jacket and go for a real ride.
It's an idiotic world made for idiotic people. People just get on the
automatic Toyota and go everywhere without giving it a thought. When
you mention the "hunter gatherer," they go "what!?"
Is it Capitalism or Christianity? Well, they go hand in hand. They are
just contrary to Human Nature.
I'm not a pro. 15 mile ride is indeed a workout on a cargo bike.
Enough to make me hungry and tired.
I'm not a pro either.
If you wear lycra you are probably another "species." You do it for
sport, while I do it to actually go shopping in a wide area that takes
care of business, say, in a 7 mile radius, enough to save me many car
trips, socialize and make me feel alive.

I must often ride on sidewalks not to come under attack, something
that slows me down considerably. My routes are "winding and grinding"
instead of straight. It's the way it is in order to survive.
His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
2013-05-29 18:30:42 UTC
rOn Tue, 28 May 2013 19:22:25 -0700 (PDT), "His Highness the Wise
On May 28, 3:42 pm, "His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble
Well, I got brown rice down to a science. Microwave on high for 8 min
then switch to 60% (switching is automatic when you press "cook") for
25 min. It comes out great. White rice is only 15 min shorter so it
doesn't pay.
Why would it cost more when brown rice is LESS processed. That's a
great mystery of the market, but it doesn't work for the people.
It comes down to Economies of Scale, as one of the people said in the
comments section. They process so much white rice that the price per
bag ends up being a lot less than the price of the less popular brown
stuff, which also has the disadvantage of containing oils that can go
rancid on a grocery store shelf. The more the retailer buys, the less
the unit cost ends up being. It's why Wal Mart can sell a package of
hot dogs for $1.19 and make money, while the Sparky Mart down the road
has to sell the same package of hot dogs for $2.59 just to break even.
Buy a single 3 lb. bag of brown rice and you pay X per pound. Buy a
couple dozen boxcars full of it and you pay Y per pound. It's a great
deal if you are sure you can sell it before it starts smelling weird.
If more people ate brown rice, which still has to be handled,
processed to some degree and packaged, shipped, etc. just like the
white stuff, the price of it would most likely drop.
Right, but that's a shortcoming of the invisible hand. People are
eating white rice because it's cheaper and getting sick because of it.
You are positively amazing, your ignorance, that is.
There are some 3,335,672,000 people who live in Asia and nearly all of
them eat white rice, and amazingly they don't seem to be getting sick.
One of the major drawbacks to being a philosopher, even a humble one,
is that you really do need to know what you are talking about.
That they survive on white rice doesn't mean they wouldn't be
healthier from brown rice. They surely eat other stuff besides white
rice. Maybe vegetables and fish, and that's good.

I'd argue that a bowl of white rice is not healthier than some of that
sliced white bread we eat in the West --it got some 20 ingredients.
The Germans know better and they are also fitter and healthier. Of
course, they also have a place to ride bike and an extensive trail
network to go hiking.

That was pretty good for a "humble philosopher," right? That's because
I'm a humble follower of Socrates, who said "I only know I know
nothing." I think it means we can not trust the so called "experts." I
know a civil engineer who's an idiot --he won't listen to anything--
and the unconnected bike lanes are proof of his kind.

In other words we need to change everything.
His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
2013-05-30 13:26:47 UTC
On Wed, 29 May 2013 18:28:40 -0700, His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey,
On 5/29/2013 6:16 PM, His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble
Let's build bullet trains like every other civilized nation out
Are you willing to build the _freestanding _dedicated_ and
_specialized_ trackage_ they need.
You do know they can't run on standard issue freight line track, don't
You do know that's why the ACELA isn't as fast as a Euro or Jap bullet
train, don't you?
Or are you just a simpleton?
Hey, I just know you are behind every other civilized nation. I'd let
the engineers figure out the tracks it needs and every other possible
Well, we can get Japanese or German engineers since ours can't even
connect the bike lanes. Do you know what it takes to ride a bike?
Yes, it needs one continuous path or road. Not a sidewalk!
a moped would actually be ideal for a smallish coastal town like this is,
i think you should give more of your energy to popularizing mopeds if you
want to be taken more seriously.....they are fun and more suitable for
most transportation than cars, cars should be more for serious traveling
not the general outing, i agree that alternatives to cars are under used.
I do think the scooters/mopeds have a niche in transportation,
particularly in tropical weather. They are perhaps more convenient
than bicycles beyond, say, 10 miles. But with the bike you do get a
workout AND you are OFF THE GRID, meaning you don't need to be part of
the system. Why I do propose is that we have OPTIONS, including
walking. I'm currently walking but that's because it would be stupid
to use a bike for a mile. Everything has their own place in my Utopia.
i just don't think it's realistic to be over demanding or extreme to be a
real effective idealist. for instance vegetarians make themselves unheard
by focusing on an either-or option between vegetarianism and eating meat,
they could instead encourage a more conscious meat eating society that is
respectful of the life they consume and not unconscious and so gluttonous.
True. I could be using a bike, say, 50% of the time instead of relying
on the car 100%. Imagine people could do that across America.
to be honest your continuous bicycle enthusiasm confuses me. i suspect
you are a character of somebody else, 2 dimensional and simple to master
without much thinking. it is a good thing to promote and i am sure it is
helping your own karma lift by continuous dedication to something,
anything... but what do you honestly expect by repeating the same thing
in the same groups... is it to have a gimmick to help create a memory of
yourself or... an obsession...or has the fantasy of successful
"revolution" seriously mesmerized you into the visualization of your
ideal society and made more important matters mean less until the one
problem that you think of has become the only one exaggerated over time..?
sorry i have to ask, i seriously wonder if there is a good reason or not.
Well, my use of the "revolution" is just like the Christians using
"Armageddon." That will be the solution to all problems, right? ;)